martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012


Los números 3-6-9 son números que a lo largo de la historia han sido considerados como muy especiales, incluso mágicos. Todo ello debido a sus propiedades matemáticas.

Ya Nikola Tesla y Linda Goodman hablaron sobre ellos. Pero tal y como demuestro en "Los Números de la Flor de la Vida. La Clave 3-6-9" realmente si que son de cualidades mágicas estos tres enigmáticos números. Quizás, para mi, la mas sorprendente coincidencia, hasta ahora, es lo que descubrí tras terminar de publicar el libro y esto es el cómo los 3-6-9 generan al resto de números por si solos.

Lo explico a continuación: Esta interesante coincidencia no aparece en "Los Números de la Flor de la Vida. La Clave 3-6-9" pero si estará en la segunda parte de La Clave 3-6-9, en la que estoy trabajando. Ahora observen cómo los 3-6-9 generan al resto de números. (Para los que hayan leído el libro comprenderán el modo de calcularlos, para los que no, diré que se usa como guía lo visual, lo que se ve, unido a la suma usada en Cabala para hallar el número raíz de un número).

 Primero observamos los números 3, 6 y 9. Y los sumamos de forma visual, es decir dibujando uno encima del otro, la forma obtenida es muy parecida a un 8, este número es clave para calcular el resto.

 1.Sumamos 8+3; 8+6 y 8+9. El resultado lo volvemos a sumar entre si. (p.ej.: 8+3=11; entonces del 11 sumamos 1+1 y obtenemos 2)

 2. Después de hallar el número raíz de las tres sumas volvemos a sumar el 8 a los anteriores resultados. Y de nuevo hallamos el número raíz de cada resultado.

 3. Si observamos detenidamente todo el proceso, encontramos que hemos hallado todos los números ordinarios, de 1 al 9 sin faltar ninguno. En imagen inferior se puede ver todo el proceso detenidamente.

 Y habrá quien diga que los números 3, 6 y 9 ya estaban puestos desde el principio, y así es. Pero si volvemos a sumar 8 en los últimos resultados entonces obtenemos el 3, 6 y 9. Ver imagen inferior.


Si seguimos sumando 8 a los resultados entraríamos en un bucle matemático donde continuamente hallaremos el 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 y 9.



I - V - X - L - C - D

1+ 5 + 10+ 50+100+500 = 666

Cuadrado magico del sol - Magic Square of the Sun 

36+35+34+33 + ........3+2+1 = 666

In the Western Occult Tradition, each planet has traditionally been associated with a series of numbers and particular organizations of those numbers. One such method of numerological arrangement is the magic square.

Associated NumbersThe numbers associated with the Sun are 6, 36, 111, and 666.

This is because:

Each row and column of the magic square contains four numbers.
The square contains 36 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 36.
Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 111.
All of the numbers in the square add up to 666.
The divine names associated with The Sun all have numerological values of 6 or 36.

The name of the intelligence of the Sun has a value of 111 and the spirit of the Sun has a value of 666.

 These values are calculated by writing out the names in Hebrew and then adding up the value of each included letter, as each Hebrew letter can represent both a sound and a numerical value.

Construction of  The Square:
The creation of the square of the Sun is messy. It is constructed by first filling in each square with numbers 1 to 36 consecutively, starting at the bottom left with 1 and working upward toward the upper right with 36. Numbers inside the boxes along the main diagonals of the square are then inverted i.e. switch places. For example, 1 and 36 change places, as does 31 and 6.

Once this is done, more pairs of numbers still need to be inverted in order to make all of the rows and columns to add up to 111. There is no clean rule to follow to due such: it appears to have been done through trial and error.

Enrique Cornelio Agrippa (1486-1535) fue un mago alemán, en su obra “De oculta Philosophia“, dividida en tres libros: 

Magia Natural (Física), Magia Celeste (Matemáticas) y Magia Ceremonial (Teología) involucró los siete planetas conocidos con siete cuadrados mágicos, describiendo las virtudes mágicas de los siete cuadrados mágicos de órdenes 3 a 9 asociado a cada uno de los planetas astrológicos.

Cuadrado mágico de Saturno
Es de orden 3 y utiliza todos los números de 1 a 9. La constante mágica es el 15 y la suma de todos los números de cuadrado es de 45. El quince y el cuarenta y cinco son triangulares números. Los colores aplicados a este cuadrado son el blanco para los números y negro para la fondo, siendo el metal asociados a Saturno el plomo, su color oscuro lo asocia a la muerte y el fin.

Cuadrado mágico de Júpiter
El cuadrado de Júpiter es de orden 4. La constante mágica es de 34 [2 x 17 = 34] el producto del dos , primer número femenino y el diecisiete, un número primo masculino. La suma de todos los números del cuadrado es 136. Los colores de las letras son el naranja para los números y el azul para el fondo, el metal es el estaño por su color azulado que lo vincula al cielo.

Cuadrado mágico de Marte
El cuadrado del planeta Marte es de orden 5, su constante mágica es 65, número producto de 5 y 13, dos números importantes en simbología (el cinco es el número del hombre y el trece es el número de la carta de la muerte). Los colores son el verde para los números y el rojo para el fondo, y su metal es el hierro.

Cuadrado mágico del Sol
Agripa dice que el cuadro del Sol es un cuadrado 6 x 6, con treinta y seis números. Cada columna vertical, fila horizontal o diagonal principal suman 111, y la suma de todos los números de cuadrado es 666, el número de la Bestia en Apocalipsis. Los colores son violeta o magenta para los números y amarillo para el fondo; el metal del Sol es el oro.

Cuadrado mágico de Venus
Venus cuadrado es de orden 7, su constante mágica es de 175. Los colores de la tabla son: el amarillo limón para los números y de color verde oscuro para el fondo, siendo el metal de Venus el bronce.

Cuadrado mágico de Mercurio
Mercurio cuadrado es de orden 8, su constante mágica es 260, la suma de todos los números de cuadrado es 2080. Los colores son el claro azul para los números y naranja para el fondo. El metal de mercurio es el mercurio, único metal líquido a temperatura ambiente.

Cuadrado mágico de la Luna
Luna cuadrado es de orden 9, su constante mágica es 369, números formados por 3×1, 3×2, 3×3. Los colores son opuestos a los colores del Sol, amarillo para los números y morado o magenta para el fondo. El metal de la Luna es la plata.
Cuadrado de la Luna: Constante: 369; Total: 3.321.

1080- MULTIPLO DE 108  es el numero lunar y su suma con 666-NUMERO SOLAR  nos da el numero de FUSION: 1746 (Representa el espiritu universal. La fuente de todos los procesos masculinos y femeninos en la naturaleza. Asi pues la connotacion negativa atrubida al 666 se basa en una comprension erronea del simbolismo profundo de la tradicion hermetica. (por S.Juan en libro de la revelacion o apocalipsis)

Construction of The Seal
The seal of the Sun is constructed by drawing lines that intersect every number within the magic square.

Read more: More Correspondences of The Sun


4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 30
1 + 3 + 6 + 9 + 11 = 30...(Matthew 20:1-16).
The name Solomon is derived from the Hebrew word Shalom, meaning peace, but has then been translated in the King James version as an alchemical amalgam of sol (sun), and omon (moon).
Alchemy, as it emerged in the Middle Ages, had its origins in the Hermetic sciences that stemmed from the esoteric wisdom of ancient Egypt.
The ancient Egyptian name for their land was Kemet, from which we get the words chemistry and alchemy. The esoteric Judaic tradition seen in the Kabbalah is also thought to have derived some of its concepts from Egyptian beliefs....
Where also our Lord was crucified...(Revelation 11:8).
In alchemy the sun and the moon expressed archetypal principles, which, when united, symbolised the harmonious relationship between the masculine and feminine elements.
Gold in alchemy, represents the purified spirit and is also traditionally associated with the sun. The year, of course, relates to the solar cycle, so there is a suggestion in the Biblical quote from Kings of a link between the number 666 and the sun.
And the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in ONE YEAR was Six Hundred Threescore and Six talents of gold...(1 Kings 8:14).
Coincidentally, the first six Roman numerals written in their correct descending order (DCLXVI) represent 666:

While the number 666 could be an allusion to the Roman authorities, who were responsible for the crucifixion (and to the Roman religion in particular, which has been responsible for the death of millions of true believers throughout the centuries), the number is much more expansive and reveals much more than that. It is on its own symbolic journey to the Western ends of the earth, and to the words at Revelation 13:18.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36
The magic square of the sun has the curious property that if all the numbers between 1 and 36 are added together the total is 666.
The number 666 also emerged in another context- through the number symbolism of magic squares. As John Michell pointed out in his book View Over Atlantis the magic square of the sun contains all the numbers from 1 to 36 and is laid out as follows:
Total number of figures = 36
Sum of each row and long diagonals = 111
Sum of numbers of perimeter = 370

The factors of 666 are 2 x 3 x 3 x 37 or 18 x 37. 
The number 37 has the unusual properties that many of its multiples have repeated digits:...Of its factors, the numbers 111 and 370 are woven into the magic square of the sun and the number 18 (18 x 37 = 666) may also have been seen as significant because this number is the sum of 6 + 6 + 6.

Jesus: The Sun behind the sun...The number of the physical world is Six, the number of the spiritual world is Eight.

600 is the number of Cosmos, (The word K O S M O S in Greek adds up to the number 600), while 800 is the number of the Lord (K Y R I O S) of the Cosmos. Similarly the number of Jesus, 888, the Spiritual Sun, is contrasted with the number 666, that of the physical sun. (Please see the chapter on the Name of Jesus).
In geometry, it is the figure of the Cube which unites the number Six and Eight. That is because the Cube has six sides and eight corners. (Thus it is just a slight shift in consciousness between the mind of Antichrist and the mind of Christ).
God created the world in Six days and rested on the Seventh, which was a Saturday. Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday which, for the early Christians became the Eighth day, symbolizing the new, spiritual creation and the regeneration of time. (By now we should be able to immediately associate this number with the sefira named Majesty, or Hod, on the Tree of Life). The number 8, the ogdoad, symbolizes the new order, and Jesus, 888, was known as the Ogdoad to the early Christian gnostics.

In the illustration on the left (above) a Cube is shown in isometric projection. Six rays emanate from a Seventh, inner point...Viewed from another perspective on the right, we can see that there is more to the other arrangement than meets the eye. Here the Seventh hidden ray is revealed, as is the Eighth point, the hidden Spiritual Sun from which all things flow..

According to the gnostics, most people are asleep and do not realize that there exists a higher, spiritual reality; it is though they see the illustration on the Left, take it at face value, and assume there is nothing more. Through the faculty of gnosis, however, it is possible for the higher reason (logos) to discern the existence of a more inclusive reality--the Sun behind the sun.

The literal-minded, like the proponents of materialism, see the world through the one diagram and see no further; literalism reads the letter of the law but does not grasp its spirit; materialism holds matter to be the only reality, but does not see that it is merely the effects of a higher cause. Those with the spark of gnosis, however, catch an occasional glimpse of the higher pattern--the Universal Logos, the intelligent pattern of order and harmony which informs all existence. Jesus Christ, Sun of God, by David Fideler, p.270.

For Pythagoras and Plato 37 was a holy number, and maybe they got it from Egypt.
In the Pythagorean triangle with sideunits 3, 4 and 5, the angle from the bottom up to the top is 37 degrees. The side in the triangle with 5 units is symbolizing the "path of return", it is rising up from the bottom of the triangle and back to the source from where everything came out in existence. So 37 is pointing the way back to The Father and the Source.

Jesus, with the greek gematrian value 888, is 37 x 24. Christ =1480 = 37 x 40, and so on. There is a lot of 37 both in the Old and the New testament.
37 is also like a "cosmic key", causing the existence to move on from level to level:
37 x 3 (1+1+1) = 111
37 x 6 (2+2+2) = 222
37 x 9 (3+3+3) = 333
37 x 12(4+4+4) = 444
37 x 15(5+5+5) = 555
37 x 18(6+6+6) = 666
37 x 21(7+7+7) = 777
37 x 24(8+8+ = 888
37 x 27(9+9+9) = 999

So Man is developing from 666 (= "the Beast", the physical/emotional/mental body and earthly existence), through 777 (completion and also greek gematrian value for cross/stauros), and 888 (transcendence and greek gematrian value for Jesus), up to the Father, the spiritual fullness and heaven in 999. This happens through the work of 37.

37 has also several other meanings, for instance a hexagon can consist of 36 + 1 = 37 units. The unit in the centre of the hexagon is number 37 and symbolizes the spiritual seed or Higher Self/ Christ Consciousness, surrounded by 36 other units (1+2+3+4+...36 = 666 = the physical world).

if you take any number with three digits and permutate it, then add all of them you get the sum which is always a multiple of 37. Example with 486:
108 x 37
The various sets of relationships inherent in the number 666 emanate from the numbers 6, 7 and 8.
In that day we shall raise against him (the antichrists) Seven Shepherds and Eight Principle Men...(Micah 5:5).


 Sin duda es el numero 666 el que se lleva la palma en la carrera de los numeros nefastos, incluso apocalipticos, pues de un apocalipsis procede, el que se describe en el Evangelio de san Juan. Este numero, identificado en el Apocalipsis de san Juan con la Bestia o el Anticristo, ha sido el preferido por los profetas y numerologos de todos los tiempos. Segun la cabala, el numero 666 corresponde en trascripcion alfabetica a Nero Caesar (Cesar Neron).


The Number Six Hundred, Sixty and Sixt has been suggested in this newsgroup (alt.christianity) in response to my question regarding the origin of 666 that the number 666 has its roots in numerology

This is the school of thought that agree with. 
The number 666 has its origins in ancient numerology / astrology, and is connected to what are called "magic squares". 
The ancients devised a scheme of numbers arranged in squares and ordered in such a way that by adding each row and column, one would reach the same total each time. 666 comes from the square associated with the Sun, which is made up of every number from 1 to 36. 

The sum of all numbers from 1 to 36 is of course, 666. 

Surrounding the Sun Square are the 12 divisibles of 666 which are attached to the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

666 = Pisces
333 = Aquarius
222 = Capricorn
111 = Sagitaurus
74 = Scorpio
37 = Libra
18 = Virgo
9 = Leo
6 = Cancer
3 = Gemini
2 = Taurus
1 = Aries

Here is what the Sun Square looks like:

The factors of 666 are 666, 333, 222, 111, 74, 37, 18, 9, 6, 3, 2, and 1. They are attached to the Zodiac signs as follows:

So, each of the six rows has a total of 111 (6 rows x 111 = 666). Each of the 6 columns also has a total of 111.

The Sun Square contains 9 squares and rectangles whose corners total 74 ( 9 X 74 = 666 ) One example is "6 + 1 + 31 + 36 = 74"

For those who practiced numerology / astrology, the numbers 666 and 74 were considered 'holy' numbers, associated with the Sun, which they revered. Numerology / Astrology (from now on referred to as Hermetica) also became a recurring phenomenon in the bible, particularely the KJV. Many of the numbers which are sacred to Hermetica are found to be recurring throughout the KJV, 666 being the most obvious.

The famous reference to 666 is found in revelation, but another exists in 1 Kings 10:14 where Solomon takes 666 talents of gold from neighboring kingdoms. Solomon is one of the more important examples of this biblically coded wisdom.

Solomon is basically the figure head of the 12 tribes of Israel during his reign as king. 
Solomon represents the Sun and the Sun Square and the 12 tribes of Israel are the 12 signs of the Zodiac. 
The 666 clue found in 1 Kings is one hint - another is the name Solomon. 
"Sol" is the Latin word for the Sun, "Om" is the Hindi word for the Sun, and "On" is the Egyptian word for the Sun.

While 666 is the most famous reference to the practice of Numerology found in the bible, there are many others which are more subtle. First a quick point regarding history:

In approximately 325 A.D. Emperor Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. His reasons are the topic of another discussion, but for better or worse it is a fact. For the next 1500 years, all other religions or philosophies were ruthlessly purged from the Roman Empire, to the point of knowledge of many ancient religions becoming extinct. The Ancients, realizing that practicing Hermetica (Numerology / Astrology) meant a visit to the torture chamber, did what anyone in their position would do - they hid their knowledge. The were fortunate in the fact that they were practically the only ones with any sort of education, and thus were trusted to read, write, and interpret for Rome. Fast forward to somewhere in the 1600's when King James decided that the bible should be available in English and commissioned a group of scholars including Francis Bacon* to oversee the translation of the bible from Hebrew & Latin to English. Francis Bacon was a member of the chain of minds that sprang from the Ancient Philosophers and he constructed the KJV in such a way that the knowledge they possessed may be preserved. All one has to do is decipher it.

Now, with that in mind, we can look at the bible and understand why it is arranged the way it is. If someone was to write a code without leaving any sort of decoding manual, it stands to reason that the means of decoding his work would have to be included in his work. The first step to deciphering this code would be to look for extremes. Take for example, Psalm 117. It sits at the exact center of the bible (in traditional order) and is the shortest chapter in the bible. As such, it almost jumps out and screams "Hey, look at me!" Psalms 117 has exactly 33 words. By no coincidence there are 33 years in the life of Christ, and 33 generations from Adam to David.

*There are those who believe that it was Francis Bacon who wrote the works attributed to Shakespeare. Here is a little tidbit suggestive of this theory. Count 666 chapters backwards from the end of the bible. You will find that it is Psalm 46. Count 46 words into that chapter and find that the 46th word is "Shake". Count 46 words backwards from the end of that chapter and find that the 46th word is "spear". The mathematical laws of probability eliminate the "coincidence" theory, and we conclude that with this method of "counting the bible" rather than reading the bible we are on the right track.

Due to a period of over one thousand years in which anything other than Church approved subject matter was relentlessly purged, intimate knowledge of pre-Christian religious practices (particularely those related to Numerology) is scarce. Some rudimentary information still remains, such as the names and fables associated with the Pagan lore, along with some fundamental Numerology / Astrology concepts. Many are familiar with the tales of Thor, Odin (Wotan, Woden), Zues, and the whole pantheon of gods and goddesses. The horoscopic information that exists in today's New Age circles consists mainly of simple clairvoyance and "love spells". Many New Age occultists use the principles of Gematria and such to discover "their" number, and so on.

Ancient 'magicians' used 7 unique number squares as the basis for their wisdom. 

Each square was arranged in such a way that the total of any column or row was the same. 
Each of the seven 'magic' squares was also assigned a planetary value. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon, and the Sun, are all associated with a specific square. 
It is the Sun Square that is most relevent to bible coding. The sun square is the 4th of the 7 magic squares and consists of every number from 1 to 36, arranged in six rows and six columns. Each of the six rows adds up to 111 and each of the six columns adds to 111. It is from the Magic Square of the Sun that the infamous number 666 originates. 6 columns X 111 = 666. 6 rows X 111 = 666. All of the numbers 1 through 36 total 666. There are a total of 3 squares and 6 rectangles within the Sun Square, each of which adds to 74, and are listed below. 9 rectangles & squares X 74 = 666.
6 + 1 + 31 + 36 = 74
11 + 8 + 26 + 29 = 74
16 + 15 + 21 + 22 = 74
7 + 3 + 12 + 25 = 74
19 + 24 + 13 + 18 = 74
32 + 35 + 2 + 5 = 74
3 + 34 + 4 + 33 = 74
14 + 23 + 17 + 20 = 74
27 + 28 + 9 + 10 = 74
The numbers to keep track of here are 9, 74, and 666, as they will turn up elsewhere later.
Very possibly, the other squares contain number patterns that can be found in the bible, but our focus will remain with the Sun Square. The number 666 has 12 divisibles, and these divisibles are associated with the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The Sun Square and its 12 divisibles (or 12 signs of the Zodiac) serve to form a theme which was to become common in many later religions. Odin had 12 chief priests, Solomon had 12 tribes of Israel, and Jesus had 12 disciples. The 1 + 12 phenomenon is found in other areas as well. In U.S. courts, there is a Judge, and twelve jurors. Anglo-Saxon folklore tells of King Arthur and twelve Knights of the Round Table. Upon reflection this should be an obvious analogue as King Arthur and the Round Table represent the Sun and the Sun Square, and the 12 Knights represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
It should be clear that the chances of these religions and folklore sharing the 1 + 12 theme being a coincidence is gradually falling. Furthermore, since the 1 + 12 theme appears primarily in Western religions, it is likely that they originate from one source. This source has been given many names throughout the centuries and usually takes the form of secret societies. At one point it was discovered that certain sounds affected the subconcious mind, and it was long known that the human animal is a herd animal. Perceptive people realized that the two should be mixed very carefully. Some sound arrangements had a soothing effect, while some had an angering effect, or a saddening effect. Ancient temples were often constructed in such a way that the songs sung during services would have a maximum effect on the mass. Certain notes can shatter glass, or render humans unconcious, and it was this power that these societies intended to conceal. Unscrupulous people could easily use this knowledge to the detriment of society. When languages were constructed, their vowels and consonants were assigned numerical values. The study of this alphabetic / numerical association is called Gematria, and Gematria is used to assign numbers to sounds (words, phrases, etc.).
Deities, or important figures in mythology and religion are constructed in accordance with the principles outlined above. English Gematria assigns the value of "1" to the letter "A", and "2" to the letter "B", etc. With this in mind, look at the word "Jesus":
10 + 5 + 19 + 21 + 19 = 74
Let it also be known that the word Jesus in Greek adds to "888" in Greek Gematria. Greek Gematria increases by a factor of 10 each 8 characters, and the 24th characther has a value of 800. Jesus is referred to as being the offspring of David throughout the bible, and that referrence is due to the fact that the numerical value of Jesus can be found in the Mars Square. If the Star of David is drawn in the Mars Square, and the numbers in the Mars Square are reduced to single digits, we observe the following phenomenon:
2 6 7 2 3
4 3 7 8 7
8 5 4 3 9
1 9 1 5 4
5 6 1 2 6
After drawing the Star of David inside this square, we see that the points on the two triangles collect the numbers in such a way that each triangle has a value of 741. The first triangle has the tip at the number '7' in the first row, and its two base points sit at 4 and 1, if we travel clockwise. The inverted triangle has its upper right point at the 7 in the last column, and travels across the column to arrive at the 4 in the first column, and finally the 1 at the tip. Inside the hexagram that the center of the Star forms, we see the number 741 travel down the vertical axis and the number 543 travel across the horizontal axis. 741 + 147 = 888 and 543 + 345 = 888. This is why Jesus is referred to as a branch of David.
Note that the word "Joshua" adds to "74" in the same way Jesus does, and incidentally so does the word "occult".
Even though it is thought to be common knowledge that a man named "Shakespeare" wrote the collection of classic plays, an interesting 'coincidence' is found by employing the coding concepts used by Francis Bacon (who supervised the writing of the KJV). If we count 666 chapters backwards from the end of the bible, we arrive at Psalm 46. Excluding the mysterious word "selah" (which appears 74 times throughout the KJV) we count 46 words from the beginning of the chapter and find the 46th word to be "shake". The 46th word from the end of the chapter is "spear". This is coincidental to the theory held by some that Francis Bacon wrote the works attributed to Shakespeare
When constructing a code that is designed to be deciphered without a 'decoder's guide' a cryptographer will use extremes as pointers to show us the structure of the code. Tools such as longest, shortest, and repetition serve to draw attention. In keeping with this theory, we notice that the shortest chapter in the bible, Psalm 117, is also placed in the exact center. It contains exactly 33 words, which by no coincidence is the number of years in the life of Christ, the number of generations from Adam to David, and the number of degrees in Freemasonry.
On counting sets of 33 chapters from the beginning of the bible we find that the 9th set lands on 1 Kings 6. 9 sets of 33 chapters backwards from Psalm 117, we find that the 9th set lands on 1 Kings 7. The chapters 1 Kings 6 and 1 Kings 7 detail the construction of Solomon's Temple. The Temple is begun in 1 Kings 6, and construction ends in 1 Kings 7.
Due to the fact that the word "temple" is often associated with perfected man, and wisdom, a great deal of coding can be found within the biblical concept of Solomon. The word "Solomon" serves a dual purpose in the coding of the bible. The word "Sol" is Latin for "sun", the word "Om" is Hindi for "sun" and the word "On" is Egyptian for "sun". Also, the vowel "o" is symmetrically placed throughout the word 3 times. Note that "o" is the 15th letter in the alphabet:
15 15 15
1 + 5 1 + 5 1 + 5 = 666
Even when presented with information such as this, the Christians will grow stronger in their proclaimations that the practice of Numerology is evil. Sometimes it will be suggested that perhaps this coding was designed by the devil to discredit the 'truth' of Christianity. Nonetheless Solomon was designed to code 666 and the Sun Square, and makes references to the 'temple', all of which are concepts borrowed from the ancient Occult.
Not unlike the 1 + 12 theme, the recurrence of the number "7" in religion and mythology is significant. The Seven Seals of Revelation is a reference to the 7 magic Squares, as are other references to 7 in the bible:
Seven horns and seven eyes are the seven spirits of God (Rev 5:6), Seven lamps of fire which are the seven spirits of God (Rev 4:5) are all references to the 7 magic squares.
Sometimes methods other than Gematria and Numerological coding are used, and in Revelation 2:17 we discover coded in that verse the belief system held by Francis Bacon and the Initiates who wrote the King James Bible. Revelation 2:17 reads
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it"
In this case, the passage points to a new name written in 'a white stone'. If one were to unscramble the words 'a white stone' we will get 'thee is wotan'. Remember Wotan is a deity in the pantheon known as Asatru, and sometimes goes by the name 'Woden' or 'Odin'. The odds on that being a coincidence simply cannot be fathomed.
Other than the passages to be unscrambled ("a white stone" - "thee is wotan") and the subtle references to the magic squares, most of the words in the bible are 'filler', which serve no real interpretive purpose. The bible is so full of contradictions and pure nonsense that it only stands to reason that it was not meant to be read, but counted. Other theories suggest that the King James bible was written as a time-bomb designed to destroy Christianity. Others suggest that Christianity in general was designed to destroy the West, and that the KJV was designed to warn us and was coded to preserve ancient wisdom. Both theories fit the facts outlined above, but it is doubtful that the whole story will ever be known.
Now that the coding system has been discovered, the dominoes will begin to fall. Given enough time, we can no doubt unravel all of the wisdom encoded into the KJV and discover the knowledge known only by a few, and persecuted by religious tyrants for hundreds of years. This essay outlined a few pointers and coding principles and the reader is encouraged to discover more. Remember, count the bible, don't read it!

1 - Introduction
This page (formerly titled 'Numerical Symbiosis') documents reasons for believing ten and the denary system of numeration to be absolute, and divinely ordained. In many of the arguments presented, three and six appear as close companions of ten, and while the significance of three will become clearer as we proceed - chiefly in respect of the triangular geometries which underpin many of the matters discussed - six is deserving of closer inspection. It has therefore been made the subject of the opening section where its own considerable attributes, by association, do much to elevate the status of ten.

2 - The importance of being a half-dozen
2.1 - 6 is both sum and product of the first three natural numbers, 1, 2 and 3
2.2 - these features may be demonstrated independently of any symbolic system of numeration using 6 uniform circular counters, as shown; at (a) we have 6 as 3rd triangular number, comprising 3 rows of 1, 2 and 3 counters, while at (b) 6 is shown as a (1)x2x3 rectangle:
2.3 - these observations lead to an understanding of the attribute of 'perfection' in number; 6 is the first of a relatively sparse subset of the natural numbers - the perfect numbers - each of which is equal to the sum of its factors - including 1; all known examples are even and triangular; they have interested mathematicians from the earliest times
2.4 - as a triangular number, 6 is the double of another, viz 3; there are just 6 instances of this phenomenon in the first billion natural numbers, and here we have the first of them
2.5 - 6 is the only known triangular number whose square, 36, is also triangular:
2.6 - 6 shares a symmetrical relationship with 7 - the hexagonal form of the latter (a) being reduced to 6 when the central counter is withdrawn (b):
2.7 - the prime numbers represent the 'backbone' of the natural number sequence; all primes after the first two, viz 2 and 3, are of the form 6n-1 or 6n+1, n being some natural number; eg both 11 (= 6.2-1) and 13 (= 6.2+1) are prime; observe that the two exceptions are the factors of 6
2.8 - every cube or cuboid (the most common of regular solids) has six faces; this implies that a cube of dimension 6 is unique in that its superficial area is numerically equal to its volume; the same is true for a sphere of diameter 6 units
2.9 - vestiges of the Babylonian sexagesimal system (radix 60, or 6x10) are found today in the standard representation of angular measure and divisions of time
3 - First impressions of ten
3.1 - 10 is the sum of the first four natural numbers, 1, 2, 3 and 4; like six, it is therefore a triangular number, (a):
3.2 - however, unlike the triangular representation of six, this figure has a 'centroid' counter - here rendered white, (b); from this point on, every third triangle in the infinite series of triangular numbers has this representation of ten as its centre
3.3 - triangles of this kind have the ability to generate other symmetrical figures by self-union /-intersection; in particular, 13-as-hexagram and 7-as-hexagon are seen to derive from 10-as-triangle, thus:
The sixness of these figures should not pass unnoticed.
3.4 - ten may also be represented geometrically as a tetrahedron - the sum of the first three triangular numbers, 1, 3 and 6, thus:
3.4 - another simple construction reveals 10 as central feature in a setting of perfect numbers, viz 6 (the first) and 28 (the second):
3.5 - from Figure 4(a), let us observe that the ratios of adjacent rows in the triangle have important musical connotations; interpreted in terms of frequencies, they specify the perfect intervals of octave (2:1), fifth (3:2) and fourth (4:3)
4 - The way we write numbers today
Our current number system is, of course, firmly based on ten as radix and uses the following set of graphic signs, often referred to as Arabic numerals: {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}. These are subject to the rule of position since their value depends on the place they occupy in a written numerical expression (a 7, for instance, counts as seven units, seven tens, or seven hundreds depending on its position in a three-digit numerical expression). In his comprehensive book, "The Universal History of Numbers", Georges Ifrah writes, "...the almost universal preference for base (or radix) 10 comes from nothing more obscure than the fact that we learn to count on our fingers, and that we happen to have ten of them."(p.44)* Thus, according to one's view of how things have come to be, either the ten digits appeared by chance, or they must represent the Creator's preferred choice.
* Others offer a different explanation for the primacy of ten - typically believing it to derive from the Babylonian sexagesimal system and/or the high regard for the tetraktys (the triangular form of ten) among the ancients.

5 - Reduced digit sum (RDS)
A simple but important derivative of any written denary number is obtained by summing its digits, summing the digits of the result and, if necessary, repeating the procedure until a single digit remains. We may conveniently refer to this outcome (R, say) as the RDS of the original number (N, say). It may be shown that R is equal to the remainder when N is divided by 9. As an example, suppose N = 7463230896, then r1 = 48; r2 = 12; r3 = R = 3 - where r1, r2,... represent the intermediates in this process. Observe that when R = 1, the penultimate result is equal to the system radix, namely 10.

6 - Digit patterns
The presence of digit symmetry in certain denary numerical expressions may form the basis for argument supporting the elevated status of ten - such patterns disappearing when the numbers involved are written in a different system - as, for example, binary or octal. As an example, consider the unique numerical absolute 666 - ie 600 + 60 + 6 - the repeated digit being first perfect number. As the following table reveals, the appearance of this number in other systems (radices 2 to 36, inclusive) reveals no pattern of equivalent interest:
Note: Since the number of graphic symbols required is equal to the radix, it is usual to augment the standard set of ten with as many alphabetic characters as are necessary to meet the specific requirements. Table 2 details the values assigned to the 26 alphabetic characters available for use in the construction of Table 1:
7 - The remarkable geometry of 666
Six hundred and sixty-six per se may be justly described as a singularly interesting numerical absolute: it is the triangular number that stands on a base of 36 - which, as Figure 2 reveals, is the only number which is both square and triangle. It is represented here as an array of rectangular tiles:
As we view this figure, let us observe its essential threeness, the number of tiles forming its base (36), and the number involved in its outline (105). Clearly, all are absolute attributes of 666-as-triangle and, significantly, all may themselves be represented as triangles:
Observe that these features are numero-geometrical absolutes. In other words, they are completely independent of time, of position, and of symbolic representation (involving the concept of radix). Turning now to the way we write 666 as a denary object, two further triangles are observed, viz 6 (the repeated digit in '666' which also happens to be first perfect number), and 66 (a second number represented within the string '666'). These additions extend our understanding of this remarkable number, 'six hundred, threescore and six' (its biblical AV designation - as recorded in Rev.13:18).
A further remarkable fact now arises: the sum total of these five attributes is 216, or 6.6.6, the cube of 6, (a). But not only that! The denary/absolute divide is 72:144, or 1:2. This fact is captured below, (b).
Clearly, the foregoing events must be judged as 'incomplete' if the radix-dependent features are excluded. But behind 6 and 66 lies ten - radix of the denary system. The implication is that this number enjoys an elevated status in the courts of heaven.
8 - The testimony of a triangular trio
Something more needs to be said about the remarkable event that is observed to occur in the denary realisation of the triangular number series: 6, 36 (or 6.6), 66 and 666 are all present. We ask whether these visual 'stepping stones' - involving the first perfect number as the repeated digit - are unique to the denary system. If it can be shown to be so then this, in itself, is powerful testimony for the absolute significance of ten.
Analysis: Consider a positional number system, radix r, and let be some triangular number such that t < r. Clearly, twill then appear as a single digit in this system. We first ask whether the string 'tt' (representing t.r t) and 'ttt' (ie t.r^2t.r + t) are also triangular. The following table segment (actually, the top left-hand corner of a table of infinite extent) summarises the outcome of a computer search for further examples of the phenomenon:
The figures in column 1 represent system radices which are generally seen to be the squares of the sequence of odd integers (column 2). Subsequent columns record the repeated digit (a triangular number) and sequences of 2, 3, and so on. Below each entry is the triangular number represented followed by its order number in the triangular series. At radix 81 for example, the repeated digit is 'A' (expressed here as 10 - the 4th triangular number); the number represented by the digit pair 'AA' is 820 - the 40th triangular number. The asterisked entries denote triangular numbers too large to be accomodated (however, their order numbers are included). Detailed analysis reveals this table to extend rightwards and downwards, without limit.
[Observe that for convenience the table contents are, without exception, expressed as denary numbers].
Clearly, 10 as radix is not at home in this company; it is the only even number and the associated sequence {6, 66, 666} is finite. Within the limits of Visual Basic 'long integer' arithmetic no other examples of the phenomenon have been found.

9 - The Pythagorean triples
The sequence of natural numbers reveals an infinitude of triples of the form {a, b, c} such that a^2 = b^2 + c^2. Geometrically, the implication is that the number of right-angled triangles whose sides are whole numbers is limitless. Focusing on these triangles we find, (a) the area is an integral multiple of 6 and, (b) the product of the sides is a multiple of 60 - ie ten times six. These features are completely independent of radix; they are absolutes.
10 - The G-series
There is an infinite series of numbers which we may conveniently refer to as the G-series - all members of which - when represented as denary objects - have a reduced digit sum (RDS - see #5 above) of 1 (or, alternatively, when divided by 9 leave a remainder of 1). The nth term in this series is given by (9n - 8). Here are its opening terms:
[1], [10], 19, [28], 37, 46, [55], 64, 73, 82, [91], 100, 109, 118, 127, [136], 145, ...
We observe, (a) the presence of 10 and 100 (indeed, it can be shown that all integral powers of 10 reside in the series), (b) the second perfect number, 28, is there (it can be shown that all perfect numbers - except the first, 6, are included), (c) all triangles, like 10, capable of generating symmetrical hexagons and hexagrams by self-intersection/-union are included (these are enclosed in square brackets) and, (d) two-thirds of all hexagons and hexagrams (generated, as described) are present. As has already been observed, the penulimate step in the RDS procedure yields 10, the system radix.

11 - The numerics of Genesis 1:1 and The Creator's Name
The seven Hebrew words of the Bible's first verse - read fairly as natural numbers - total 2701, or 37 x 73 - the 73rd triangular number. In the following table, the calculation '2701 = 37 x 73' is expressed over the range of radices 2 - 36; the triplet under the heading 'RDS' represents the corresponding reduced digit sum of Genesis 1:1 and of each of its factors, respectively.We immediately observe, (a) digit reflection in the prime factors occurs only when the radix is 10 and, (b) the factors together with their product are G-numbers; in other words, the digit totals equal the radix of the system in which they are represented, viz denary, and the RDS of each is 1; over the range 5 to 36 the only even radix to support this feature is 10.
Observe also that only in the case of denary representation do we find the factors 37 and 73 revealed when the verse total is added to its digit reverse, thus: 2701 + 1072 = 3773.
Another prominent feature of Genesis 1:1 is 703, or 19 x 37 - the 37th triangular number - derived as the sum of words 6 and 7, translated "...and the earth." As with the complete verse we find each of the digit sums to be10 - radix of the system in which these numbers are represented. Again, on other pages at this site it has been shown that the Creator's Name ('Jesus Christ'), as rendered in both Septuagint and NT Greek - nominative case - is 2368, or 64 x 37 - the three groups of digits each summing to 10. Remarkably, these corresponding features may be displayed pictorially using the triangular representation of ten, as follows:
At (a), we find all the 'ingredients' of thirty-seven and seventy-three, respectively - the first being 3 x (3 + 7) + 7 and the second, 7 x (7 + 3) + 3. (b) and (c) follow in similar fashion - generating 703 and 2368, respectively.

12 - A solid partnership
We conclude this survey by making a simple observation concerning 3 and 6 (already related as triangular numbers - see #2.4 above). The reciprocals of these, as normally expressed, are 0.33333... and 0.166666..., respectively. In other words they replicate themselves as infinite sequences - the first, perfectly, and the second, only after that initial '1'. Clearly, these phenomena are mediated by ten. Change the radix, and they disappear.

13 - Conclusions
As early as the sixth century BC the importance of ten was recognised - particularly by the Pythagoreans who revered (even worshiped!) the tetraktys (its triangular representation). Since that time, much additional evidence has accumulated to substantiate the claim that it is indeed a significant numerical absolute - admirably fitted (and divinely intended) for use as a collective unit in the affairs of men. It should not escape the reader's attention that the remarkable number 666 has played a major role in establishing this fact. This number appears, of course, as a 'surface feature' in the biblical text (Rev.13:18) where it is found associated with, (a) the reading of a string of letters as a number and, (b) the offer of wisdom to those who strive to understand it (ie 666). In view of its application here in support of ten, it would appear that some grain of the promised wisdom has already been been received.
Vernon Jenkins MSc

For further information regarding the remarkable properties of 666:

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S_FN: further primary geometries and other features of interest
Our purpose here is to add further detail which will serve to bring the facts introduced in the main page into stronger relief.
1. Concerning the position of the central counter of 2701-as-triangle
Here, the centroid counter (coloured blue) is seen to occupy the 25th position in a row of 49 counters - this being the 49th (as counted top-down), or the 25th (as counted bottom-up). These ordinals represent the squares of 5 and 7, respectively. Observe that the number of rows above and below the centroid are multiples of 12 - one the double of the other.
These counters (rendered blue) total 216 - the cube of 6 (first perfect number [1]), or 6.6.6. It is helpful here to change the form of these outline counters to unit cubes, and depict the phenomenon thus:
This happens to be the only cube whose total superficial area (as measured in unit squares) is numerically equal to its volume (in unit cubes). In this respect it is therefore unique!
2701 is the product of two mutually-reflective prime numbers which involve the biblically-potent digits 3 and 7, thus: 2701 = 37.73; observe that this is only true when the numbers are expressed in the usual denary notation; in other words, their visual relationship is mediated by 10 - the system radix. However, they are further related - now, absolutely - by their geometries, as depicted below:
In that each of these figures embodies the factors of 2701-as-triangle, they may be regarded as alternative symbols for the Bible's first verse. But also observe here the 6-fold symmetries displayed and the dual role played by 37.
Remarkably, this same number has yet another regular form - as the following panel reveals:
Clearly, the symmetrical removal of 12 counters from 49, or the addition of 12 counters to 25, generates 37 as octagon, and it follows that 37 is the arithmetic mean of the two squares involved in positioning the centroid counter in 2701-as-triangle.
Observe also that 37 = 64-27. In other words, it is the difference between the cubes of 4 and 3 - i.e. 37 = 4^3-3^3. This feature takes us further along the way of understanding - for all numbers which exhibit hexagonal symmetry represent the difference of consecutive cubes. In respect of 37, the matter is expressed pictorially as follows:
Clearly, this 3-D representation of 37 - what we have termed a 'solid gnomon' - is but another form of 37-as-hexagon. But now observe the interesting ambiguity revealed in the following diagram:
As viewed in a particular way, 37-as-gnomon may be mistaken for 64-as-cube! This becomes a significant feature in the outworking of the miracle.

Whereas 2701 is the product of just two prime numbers, 3003 is the product of four, thus: 3003 = Of particular interest is the composite factor 91. Like 37 this may be represented geometrically in three distinct ways by means of symmetrical aggregates of uniform counters - circular or spherical, as appropriate.
But in addition, observe that,
  • like 2701, 91 is the product of hexagon and related hexagram
  • 91 = 64+27, i.e. 91 = 4^3+3^3 (in other words, it is the sum of the cubes whose difference = 37!)
  • because 91 is a hexagon, it is also the difference of two cubes and therefore a solid gnomon, thus:

Observe that no other number possesses (or, betters) the symmetries of 37 and 91. In the world of number they are unique - yet both are to be found as factors of Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:1+!
The Hebrew letters of Genesis 1:1 number 28; its words, 7. Remarkably, 28 is 7th triangular number, thus:
The verse begins with the letter at the apex of each triangle and proceeds as directed by the connecting lines. Observe here the two further triangles (the 6th and 3rd) that do not infringe word boundaries.
Note that the 7th, 37th and 73rd triangles (i.e. 28, 703 and 2701 - all involved in the Bible's first verse) are of a special kind: they are G-triangles; this means that each is capable of generating a hexagon/hexagram pair by self-intersection/self-union; it becomes possible because each is built around a single centroid counter; the procedure is now explained as it relates to 28-as-triangle.

At (a) we have a representation of the 7th triangular number - its centroid counter rendered white; an exploded view of the same (b) reveals it to comprise 9 smaller 'elemental' triangles set around the single centroid counter; the hexagon depicted at (c) is formed from 6 of these triangles, similarly centred, and the hexagram at (d), 12 of the same, in addition to the centroid counter. Observe that hexagon and hexagram are related geometrically (in the same manner as the factors of Genesis 1:1, 37 and 73, dscussed earlier) - a feature made clear by the use of a second colour at (d). These symmetrical figures, 19 and 37, which derive from the number of letters in the Hebrew form of the Bible's first verse are also the factors of 703 - triangular sum of CVs 6 and 7 and therefore associated with the words "and the earth." Thus, we find 19 x 37 = 703 = 37th triangular number.
There are two significant features to be noted here:
5.1 - When divided by 3, each word CV except the first delivers the remainder 2; the first, the remainder 1.
5.2 - All 8 word CVs are observed to be relatively close to a multiple of 100 - as the following diagram makes clear (i, the integer multiplier ranging from 1 to 9):

As may be seen, the CVs all lie within the green band - representing a mere 27% of the available range. On the basis of this feature the probability of Genesis 1:1+ being a random set is thus of the order of 10,000 to 1 against!
The CV of the Bible's first verse is 2701, or 37 x 73; words 6 and 7 are each multiples of 37 (407 = 11.37; 296 = 8.37); it follows that 37 - already shown to be highly significant as a number per se - must be regarded as a major player in these proceedings. This is readily confirmed - as the following analysis reveals.
Because 2701 (sum of the CVs of Genesis 1:1) is the product of the two primes 37 and 73 it may be alternatively represented by a rectangle having these dimensions, thus:
It will be observed that the outline of this figure comprises 216, or 6.6.6 units - thus matching that of its triangular representation.
We further observe that within this structure words 6 and 7 may be represented as rectangles of the same height (both being multiples of 37). Remarkably, the differences between each of the remaining words and nearest multiples of 37 form a coordinated set of multiples of 6.
The catalogue of composite rectangular panels contained within Genesis 1:1-as-rectangle is presented below. It reveals that the first five words interlock so as to give rise to two mutually-exclusive pairs of composite units - referred to as (A,B) and (A',B'), respectively; the rectangles associated with words 6 and 7 being designated C and D.
Regarding the first verse, these basic units and their various combinations give rise to a total of 23 rectangles - each representing a multiple of 37. Details of these structures are provided in the following table - their compositions given first in terms of the elementary rectangles - A, B, A', B', C, D - and again, as sums of the word CVs.

On the average, in any randomly-selected set of integers, 1 in every 37 will be a multiple of 37. Applying this principle to the 127 values represented by the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 and their various combinations, it is to be expected that 3 or 4 will have 37 as a factor. As has been shown here, there are actually 23 - ie over 6 times the expected number! This result becomes a dramatic feature of the accompanying factor profile for the verse where, for each of the values over the range 2 to 50, the frequency of its occurrence as factor in the set of 127 values determines the height of the corresponding column. The ideal profile - delineated by the smaller white squares - provides a backcloth against which the significance of the event may be assessed. In addition, when we consider again the singular attributes of 37 per se, it is indeed difficult to argue that this particular set is random!

In conventional mensuration the area of trapezium (i) is obtained as the product of the average of the parallel sides (a and b) by the height (h), thus:
Area (z) = h.(a + b)/2
Similarly, in numerical geometry, the number of uniform circular counters required to construct figure (ii) - typically the difference between the (m-1)th and nth triangular numbers - is given by
Number (Tz) = r.(m + n)/2
where r = number of rows and m and n are the numbers of counters forming top and base, respectively.
Observe that in the latter case, the value of n is determined by r and m (thus, n = m + r - 1), so that we may write
Tz = r.(2m + r - 1)/2, and designate the trapezium Tz(r,m).
Further observe that if Tz(r,m) is odd, then r is odd and (2m + r - 1) is even; and vice versa. It follows, therefore, that either r and (2m + r - 1)/2, or r/2 and (2m + r - 1) are factors of Tz. If Tz is rich in factors it may be depicted as a trapezium in many ways, and it is instructive to consider how r, m and n may then be evaluated in each case.
Example 1: Consider Tz = 3627 = 3 x 3 x 13 x 31 (the number associated with the CV of John 1:1).
The number is odd, thus r (the number of rows of trapezium counters) must be one of these factors (or a combination thereof); potentially, therefore, r = 3, 9, 13, 31, 39, 93, 117,...
For each r there is a corresponding (2m + r - 1)/2, or m + (r - 1)/2, [= Tz/r = 1209, 403, 279, 117, 93, 39...] and a corresponding (r - 1)/2, [= 1, 4, 6, 15, 19, 46, 58,...], so that m [= Tz/r - (r - 1)/2 = 1208, 399, 273, 102, 74, -7,...].
The possible geometrical solutions are therefore just 5 in number: Tz(3,1208), Tz(9,399), Tz(13,273), Tz(31,102) and Tz(39, 74). Observe that it is the last of these that provides a perfect plinth for the Genesis 1:1 triangle.
Example 2: Consider Tz = 302 = 2 x 151 (the difference between the 73rd and 77th triangles).
The number is even, thus r is even and r/2 is a factor of Tz; thus, r = 4 (i.e. Tz has 4 rows - no other solution possible); 2m + r - 1 = 151 (the other factor); 2m = 148; m = 74.
Hence, Tz(4,74) - a trapezium of 4 rows of 74, 75, 76 and 77, respectively.

9. Concerning certain common artefacts
The salient numerical features of Genesis 1:1 and related matters can be found among the characteristics of
  • the music keyboard [1]
  • the A-series of standard sizes of cut paper [2]
  • the chequerboard [3]
  • some recently discovered properties of DNA and RNA[4].
10. Concerning the term 'figurate' as applied to numbers
Observe that the term 'figurate' is here restricted to those symmetrical 2-D or 3-D structures of a simple kind consisting of closely packed uniform counters (circles or spheres, squares or cubes, as appropriate); 2-D examples include equilateral triangles and the derivatives of certain of these - namely, hexagons, hexagrams, trapezia and rhombi; 3-D examples include tetrahedra, pyramids and cubes.
The study and application of these entities is here termed 'Numerical Geometry'.
11. Concerning the term 'perfect' as applied to numbers
In mathematics, a perfect number is defined as a positive integer which is the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of the positive divisors excluding the number itself. Equivalently, a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself).
The first perfect number is 6, because 1, 2, and 3 are its proper positive divisors, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Equivalently, the number 6 is equal to half the sum of all its positive divisors: ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 ) / 2 = 6.
The next perfect number is 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14. This is followed by the perfect numbers 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056,...
Observe that, (i) there are just 6 examples in the first billion natural numbers and, (ii) all are even numbers. There are no known examples of odd perfect numbers.
12. Concerning the factors of 703 - sum of the CVs of Hebrew words 6 and 7, translated "...and the earth."
#3 above reveals the factors of 2701 (i.e. 37 and 73) to be related figurate numbers. Significantly, the factors of 703 (i.e. 19 and 37) fall in with the same scheme - as the following geometrical symmetries confirm:
As we shall find, these features provide a basis for a number of compound representations of Genesis 1:1 and its 'earthly' component.
Interestingly, 19 is also the digit reflection of 91 which, as detailed in #4 above, is a factor of Genesis 1:1+ and vies with 37 in being the most symmetrical of numbers.
13. Concerning the Creation Triangles

Like LCT, GCT is a 'generator' triangle and, as such, may be expressed as a triangular pattern of 9 smaller 'elemental' triangles disposed about a central counter, thus:
Remarkably, it transpires that these elementals are copies of the 37th triangular number, 703 - sum of words 6 and 7 of Genesis 1.1, translated '...and the earth.' - which has been shown to occupy a central position within LCT where it is gripped by a trio of 666-as-triangle, thus:

The number 666, of course, crops up in the biblical text of Revelation 13:18 where it is associated with the offer of wisdom in a time of gross apostasy. Clearly, there are strong predictive and symbolic elements in this diagram. To emphasise these matters further, consider the two following GCT depictions of the Creation:
Observe here the symmetrical nesting of G-triangles and the following detail:
  • the blue triangular annulus = 3627 = John 1:1
  • the purple triangular annulus = 1998 = 3 x 666
  • the green triangular core = 703 = "...and the earth."
It may be remembered that 2701-as-triangle has an outline of 216 - the unique cube of 6. Now augmented by the 3627-as-trapezium, this outline has become 333, or 9x37.
The diagrams are highly symbolic: the equilateral triangles suggesting God's triune nature; the plinth, a symbol of Christ in his role as Creator, and as Sustainer of his creation (Col.1:16, 17); 
14. Concerning the solid gnomon as a structural element in hollow numerical cubes
A solid gnomon is the regular 3-D shape formed as the difference of a pair of consecutive cubes. It has already been observed that 37 is the difference between the cubes of 4 and 3

  • The characteristic value of the 7th and last word of Genesis 1:1 - translated the earth - is 296, or 8. 37. In addition, it has been shown to be a factor of both components of The Name. Significantly, therefore, the 4th solid gnomon may be combined with a further seven to form a hollow cube of 296 units. This construction is depicted in the following diagrams - those on the left illustrating the early stages of this process.
The cube which fits perfectly inside this structure is, of course, 6.6.6, or 216 - the triangular outline of Genesis 1:1! There is the strong suggestion of profound symbolism here, for from within this first verse comes that which ultimately embraces it! And we are led to understand how special man is in the eyes of his Creator. Again, the symbolism built into the numbers themselves should not be overlooked: 8.8.8 (the cube of 8) suggesting 888 ('Jesus' - the Christ); 6.6.6 suggesting 666 (the Beast, or Antichrist); and their difference, 296 ('the earth' - centre of the battle that rages for the souls of men!). A further matter of interest concerns the outer- and inner- dimensions of these cubes: written side by side to form a denary object, these numbers spell '86' - the characteristic value of God as we find it in the Bible's third word!
  • Finally, it should be noted that three of the hollow cubes described above (representing 'Jesus') may be combined with a further five (representing 'Christ') to form a larger cube (representing The Name).
15. Concerning the visual relationship between hexagon and cube
We recognise the cube as the simplest and most familiar example of a regular solid; it has 6 square faces and its 3 spatial dimensions equal. In a typical 2-dimensional representation it appears as a segmented hexagon.
The cubes of 3, 4, 5 and 6 are depicted below as stacks of unit cubes - the numbers involved being 27, 64, 125 and 216, respectively. By inspection we learn that of these, one or more faces of only 19, 37, 61 and 91, respectively, are visible to the eye. In each case these are observed to reside within within the bounding hexagon and may be represented in idealised form as a close formation of of uniform circular counters - as shown below each cube.

Clearly, the dimensions of cube and corresponding hexagon are identical. Observe that this line up includes 37 and 91, and also 19 the digit-reverse of the latter (a radix-dependent observation.) - all significant features of Genesis 1:1+.
In an earlier page 37 was depicted as a bifigurate numero-geometrical object. However, it is actually trifigurate - as the following figures prove. In other words, 37 counters laid out on a flat surface may be arranged in 3 distinct ways to form a symmetrical pattern, thus:
In this respect 37 is unique among the numbers.
Of particular interest to this account is the second of the 3 forms, the hexagon, in that this may be perceived as a representation of a 4x4x4 cube comprising 64 counters.
At (a) we have the normal hexagonal arrangement of 37 counters, and at (b) a typical representation of a cube - its outline taking the form of a hexagon. The salient features of this cube are shown superimposed on the hexagon at (c). Finally, at (d) we show a symbolic representation of the visual transformation hexagon ---> cube. We shall have occasion to use this symbol in the following section.
16. Concerning the appearance of 666 in other positional number systems
It is both interesting and instructive to consider what the number 'six hundred and sixty-six' might look like in systems where ten is not the dominant radix.
17. Concerning 'repdigits'
In recreational mathematics a repdigit is a natural number composed of repeated instances of the same digit, most often in the decimal numeral system. If the repeated digit is '1', the assembly is referred to as a 'repunit'.
Examples are 11, 666, 4444, 77777, and 999999. All repdigits are palindromic numbers and are multiples of repunits. One of the most famous repdigits is 666, referred to in Christian Eschatology as the number of the beast.
Clearly, when the number of digits in the repdigit is three there is a close visual correspondence with the cube of that digit - particularly when 'multiplied by' is represented by a stop ('.') - as in 6.6.6 (= 216) and 8.8.8 (= 512).

18. Concerning 'narcissistic' numbers
According to Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection seen in a pool of water, and changed into the flower now called by his name.
Here, we introduce a particular class of numbers "in love with themselves" - viz, the Armstrong numbers; these defined as the sum of their own digits to the power of the number of digits. Such features are, of course, radix dependent. We consider only those which appear as natural phenomena in a 'base 10' context, and focus attention on the set of four 3-digit numbers which we shall refer to, collectively, as A, where A = {153, 370, 371,407}
[Commenting on this set in "A Mathematician's Apology", G. H. Hardy wrote: "There are just four numbers, after unity, which are the sums of the cubes of their digits. These are odd facts, very suitable for puzzle columns and likely to amuse amateurs, but there is nothing in them which appeals to the mathematician." This author, aware of their close association with Genesis 1:1+, begs to differ!]
We conclude this introduction to the A-set by noting some of its significant attributes:
  • A(2) + A(3) = 370 + 371 = 741 = 38th triangular number
  • A(1) + A(2) + A(3) = 894
  • A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) = 1301
  • A(2) and A(4) are multiples of the trifigurate number, 37
  • A(4) = 407 = 6th member of the G-set

One of the first FORTRAN programming exercises encountered by the writer required the student to determine all 3-digit numbers that were each the sum of the cubes of their individual digits. These were designated "The Sticklers" by the author of the book in which the problem appeared. It turns out that there are just four numbers that meet this specification, viz {153, 370, 371, 407}. The 2nd and 4th are multiples of 37 - their sum, 777; the former is a cyclic permutation of 703 (sum of words 6 and 7 of the Bible's first verse) and of 37, while the latter is the actual value of word 6! But observe also that the 1st and 3rd occur as surface features of the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures: 153 (17th triangular number) - the number of fishes caught in a net (John 21:11), and 371 - the duration of the Flood in days (Genesis 7-8)! But of particular interest in the current context is the fact that the sum of the first three is 894, while all four total 1301! As we have seen, these precise numbers appear in connection with even divisions within the first eight words of the Bible. All things considered, therefore, there clearly exists a surprisingly high degree of integration between what otherwise must be considered to be independent sets.

19. Concerning 'friendly' numbers
Two numbers are said to be friendly or amicable if each is equal to the sum of the proper divisors of the other. The classic example is the pair (220 / 284), which was known to the Pythagoreans. Here are the details:

220 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 71 + 142 (the proper divisors of 284) and
284 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 11 + 20 + 22 + 44 + 55 + 110 (the proper divisors of 220)
Such numerical curiosities are independent of system radix. They are not common, and before the advent of the computer were hard to find. Indeed, it was not until 1636 that a second pair (17296 / 18416) came to light. However, by the end of the 19th century the number of known pairs had been extended to 60. But then a remarkable event occurred: a lad of 16 discovered the pair (1184 / 1210). Now these are relatively small numbers, and considering the extensive searches for such pairs from Greek times onwards it is very hard to understand why this particular instance of the phenomenon should have been overlooked. However, here are the details:

1184 = 1 + 2 + 5 + 10 + 11 + 22 + 55 + 110 + 121 + 242 + 605 (the proper divisors of 1210) and
1210 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 37 + 74 + 148 + 296 + 592 (the proper divisors of 1184)
These numbers factorise as follows:

1184 = 2^5 x 37 = 4 x 296
1210 = 2 x 5 x 11^2 = 10 x 121

20. Concerning a geometric view of the Testaments
The Bible comprises 66 Books - 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. Observe, (a) that the total is a triangular number, (b) 13, factor of 39, is a star (or hexagram) number, and (c) 9, factor of 27, is a square (or rhombus) number. Both 13 and 9 are associated with 3, another triangular number. The following figures depict these features of numerical geometry.

The three composites show the OT Books in white and NT Books in blue. Each possesses three axes of symmetry.
Clearly, the structure of the Bible - as we Protestant Christians know it - displays beautiful geometrical patterns!

The 17 Greek words comprising John 1:1 total 3627, or 39x93

Since 39 = (66 - 27), and 93 = (66 + 27), it follows that 3627 = 66^2 - 27^2

This is represented by the area EBCDGF(coloured purple)

The sides of this figure are 66, 39 and 27

and thus register the total number of books in the Bible, and in each of the Testaments

21. Concerning the use of the name 'Jesus'() and of the title 'Christ'() in the pre-Christian era
Most of the relevant material is to be found in the Septuagint - a Greek translation of the Old Testament dating from the 3rd century BC.
Occurrences of  in the Septuagint

  1. Nominative form (  ): Exodus 17:13, 24:13; Numbers 14:6,38; title of book of Joshua =  = Jesus (son) of Naue; frequent references throughout 'Joshua', eg Joshua 1:10 et passim.
  2. Accusative form (  ): Numbers 13:17; Haggai 1:1, etc.
  3. Genitive form (  ): 1Kings ( = 3Kings in Septuagint) 16:34; Zechariah 6:11.
In the Apocrypha, the Prologue to Ecclesiasticus attributes the sayings in the work (dated c.132 BC) to Jesus ben Sirach - the name appearing in Ecclesiasticus 50:27.
Occurrences of  in the Septuagint

  1. Nominative form (  ): 1Samuel ( = 1Kings) 12:5, 16:6, 24:7; Lamentations 4:20.
  2. Accusative form ( ): 2Samuel ( = 2Kings) 23:1.
  3. Genitive form (  ): 1Samuel 2:10; Psalm 2:2.
  4. Dative form (  ): 2Samuel 22:51; Isaiah 45:1.
This is not an exhaustive list, but enough to show that the title 'Christ' and the name 'Jesus' were widely known and used among the Greek-speaking Jews in the pre-Christian era. Identical forms of both are found in the Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament.
The author is indebted to Mr. Alan Hill (Senior Lecturer at the University of Glamorgan) for compiling this information.

22. Concerning the observation that numbers of the form 'abc' - whose digits form a rising sequence - are interesting
In developing the sequence 1369 > 1368 > 912 > 913 we have observed that taking a third of 1368 we obtain 456. The progress of the digits of this number (as a denary, or base 10, object) suggest that we investigate all numbers of the form 100a + 10(a+1) + (a+2), where a is some positive integer.
Clearly, if N represents such a number, then N = 111a + 12. It follows that 3N + 1 is a multiple of 37, for consider:
3N + 1 = 333a + 36 + 1 = 333a + 37 = 37(9a + 1)
The series represented by setting a = 1, 2, 3,... is as follows:

What is so remarkable here is that 703, 1369, 2368 and 2701 - all significant players in the revealed phenomena - are members of the series. Furthermore, these links are mediated by 10 - radix of our number system.

The first verse of the Gospel of John, as rendered in the original Greek, reads (left to right) as follows:

As may be seen, 'Word' (or 'Logos') appears three times. In the Stoic philosophy, this represented the active principle living in and determining the world; in Christian theology it represents the Word of God incarnate, ie Jesus Christ (John 1:10,14).
Read as a number, 'Word' has the value 373 - a telescoping of 37 and 73, factors of Genesis 1:1 and the numbers we have found to be associated with 'Wisdom'.

It is the Christian's understanding that the God who introduces himself in the Bible's first verse is none other than Jesus Christ (see John 1:1-3, 10; Colossians 1:16: Hebrews 1:10). The New Testament authors wrote in Greek using words which may also be fairly read as numbers, as we have seen. It follows that the name Jesus and the title Christ each possess an uncontrived numerical dimension. Skeptics will no doubt contest this, arguing that these writers would have been aware of the numerical implications of what they wrote and - assuming they would also have known of the Genesis 1:1 phenomena - must have engineered name and title accordingly. This suggestion overlooks the fact that identical forms of both name and title are to be found in the Septuagint (a Greek translation of the Old Testament dating from c.300 BC). This important matter is addressed elsewhere - but here are some of the more obvious details:
Jesus - is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, ie Jehovah is salvation; it had been assigned to the babe in the manger by divine decree in the words of the angel, "… and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21).
Christ is the Greek form of the Hebrew title mashiach - ie Anointed One or Messiah - the promised saviour who would, one day, come to redeem mankind from its sins; His tacit acceptance of the title follows Peter's utterance, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:16).
It must be significant that Holy Scripture identifies the Christ explicitly by name, but the Antichrist by the number of his name - 666! Significant, too, that God has chosen this unique numerical object to mark the Antichrist and to associate it with the promise of wisdom. As explained earlier, the Greek form of the Lord's name and title may also be fairly read as a pair of numbers, or characteristic values; thus, in the nominative case, Jesus = 888 - the inevitable outcome of the divine edict of Mt.1:21 - and the title, Christ = 1480. Some of the implications of these evaluations are now considered:
  • 888 is of the same visually-arresting form as 666; like 777 and 999 (features of Genesis1:1) both are multiples of 111, or 3x37
  • 888 (= 24.37) and 1480 (= 40.37) are multiples of 37 and of 296 (= 8.37) - the latter being the characteristic value of the 7th Hebrew word of Genesis1:1, meaning the earth; clearly, it has an obvious and direct association with Jesus, the One having a unique earthly mission, viz the redemption of mankind!
  • the ratio of these numbers is 3:5 - precisely that of the sides of the mercy seat or propitiatory (Exodus 25:17); it may be noted that Paul uses this term to describe the role of Jesus as High Priest (Romans 3:25), and the matter is mentioned again in Heb.9
  • the sum of these numbers is 2368 (= 64.37), or 43.(43 -33) - significant because the cube is a biblical symbol of holiness (eg 1Kings 6:20, Revelation 21:16), and because a typical 2-D view of 64-as-cube is 37-as-hexagon!
Already we observe several of the numerical keys derived from the preceding examination of 666, and our attention is drawn to the dominant role played by 37. Its significance in Genesis 1:1 (representing the creation) has already been demonstrated; here it is again - now associated with the Creator! It seems evident that this unique number is being used to establish a powerful numerical linkage between subjects that are already related textually! However, to continue with our analysis:
  • As we have already seen, the third numerical hexagram has 37 elements - 24 of these forming its outline. These features lead to elegant expressions of The Name. The compound symmetries depicted in the following diagrams involve 64-as-cube (the purple elements), 37-as-solid gnomon (shaded blue), and 27-as-cube (smaller elements, also shaded blue).

The topmost figure represents 2368 as a hexagram of 37 cubes, each of value 64; at lower left we have an outline hexagram of 24 elements, each of value 37 - total, 888; on its right we have an inner hexagram of 13 elements, each of value 64, and an outline hexagram of 24 cubes, each of value 27 - total, 1480.
These structures may be symmetrically superimposed upon that derived earlier for Genesis1:1 with powerful symbolic effect!
Of course, the inner hexagram representing The Creator, Jesus Christ, may be exchanged for a hexagon of 37 cubic elements; in this form, it covers, precisely, the earth in the grip of the beast!
The total represented by each of these figures is 3700 - the sum of the names of the twelve Hebrew tribes engraved on the jewels of the high priest's breastplate of judgment (Exodus 28:15-30). A close examination of this matrix reveals the unique trifigurate, 37, in yet another significant role!
  • The characteristic value of the 7th and last word of Genesis 1:1 - translated the earth - is 296, or 8. 37. In addition, it has been shown to be a factor of both components of The Name. Significantly, therefore, the 4th solid gnomon may be combined with a further seven to form a hollow cube of 296 units. This construction is depicted in the following diagrams - those on the left illustrating the early stages of this process.
The cube which fits perfectly inside this structure is, of course, 6.6.6, or 216 - the triangular outline of Genesis 1:1! There is the strong suggestion of profound symbolism here, for from within this first verse comes that which ultimately embraces it! And we are led to understand how special man is in the eyes of his Creator. Again, the symbolism built into the numbers themselves should not be overlooked: 8.8.8 (the cube of 8) suggesting 888 ('Jesus' - the Christ); 6.6.6 suggesting 666 (the Beast, or Antichrist); and their difference, 296 ('the earth' - centre of the battle that rages for the souls of men!). A further matter of interest concerns the outer- and inner- dimensions of these cubes: written side by side to form a denary object, these numbers spell '86' - the characteristic value of God as we find it in the Bible's third word!
  • Finally, it should be noted that three of the hollow cubes described above (representing 'Jesus') may be combined with a further five (representing 'Christ') to form a larger cube (representing The Name).

The Scriptures inform us that our Creator is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3). In the same passage He is referred to as 'The Word'. From the Greek of the New Testament we read
Observe that the Name, Title and Name+Title represent the numbers 888, 1480 and 2368, respectively. All are multiples of 37, and of 296, the 7th word of Genesis 1:1. Thus, 888 = 24x37 = 3x296; 1480 = 40x37 = 5x296; and 2368 = 64x37 = 8x296. So already we see the Creator's Name firmly linked numerically with the Bible's opening assertion, "In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth." - and this by a unique number per se together with a multiple which, very appropriately for the Incarnate One, represents the final word "earth". But there are also some beautiful geometrical links - which we shall now examine.
We begin with an alternative representation of the opening verse comprising 73 elements - each of 37-as-hexagon, thus:
The sum of the final two words, both multiples of 37, may be represented, as before, as a central hexagon comprising 19 units of 37, thus:
The impression created is that "...and the earth" is central to the whole creation enterprise.
Attention has already been drawn to the fact that within this hexagram of 73 units there exists another of 37 units; if the hexagon representing each unit is envisaged as a cube comprising 64 counters, then the Creator's Name (represented by 2368, or 64x37) appears at the centre of His creation, thus:
[This representation of the Lord at the centre of His creation becomes all the more significant when it is remembered that the cube is a biblical symbol of holiness (1Kings 6:20, Rev.21:16)]
The outline of this inner figure comprises 24 units, so that reverting to hexagons - each of 37 (and coloured blue) - we have a representation of 888, or "Jesus", thus:
Interestingly, the innermost hexagram represents 13x37, or 481 - sum of 86 ("God") and 395 ("heaven").
Just two final points:
(1) The ratio 888:1480 (i.e. "Jesus":"Christ") is 3:5 - precisely that of the sides of the mercy seat, or propitiatory (Ex.25:17); this relationship is backed up by a number of NT references which speak of the Lord being the propitiation for our sins (e.g. Ro.3:25, 1Jn.2:2).
(2) The Greek rendering of "Word" is "Logos", thus:
The number represented by this string of letters is 373 - this revealing the factors of Genesis 1:1, viz 37 and 73.

25. A summary of the findings
verl3.1 Those relating to 2701 - the verse total
A = 73rd triangular number, having a cubic outline of 6x6x6 counters
B = compound figurate comprising 73 units of 37 - 4th and 3rd hexagrams
C = trapezium: top = 55 (10th triangle); base, height = 91, 37 (trifigurates)

Those relating to the inner structure
A(1) = 703 - 37th triangular number; sum of words 6 and 7
A(2) = 666 - 36th triangular number; unique - all its attributes triangular
B(1) = 703 - comprising 19 units of 37 - 3rd hexagon and 3rd hexagram
B(2) = 481 - comprising 13 units of 37 - 2nd hexagram and 3rd hexagram
representing the sum of words 3 and 5
C(1) = 703 - 37th triangular number; sum of words 6 and 7
C(2) = 999; sum of words 1 and 3, and of words 2, 4 and 5
C(3) = 913, i.e. word 1
C(4) = 894; sum of words 2, 5 and 7, and of words 3, 4 and 6
25. Concerning the uniqueness of 2701 as a number, per se
The 7 Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 comprise a total of 28 letters - 28, incidentally, being 7th triangular number and 2nd perfect number. Since the values represented by the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet are 1 and 400, respectively, the verse total must lie between 28 and 11200 - values approaching these limits deriving from 'nonsense' sentences. It is therefore instructive to consider in more detail those two features of the 2701 triangle that distinguish it from the crowd, viz (a) its cubic outline, and (b) its being the product of hexagon by related hexagram.
Regarding (a), we observe that the first 4 triangles possessing this feature are 55 (the 10th), 2701 (the 73rd), 29890 (the 244th) and 166753 (the 577th). Clearly, it is a rare attribute and - with the foregoing remarks in mind - 2701 is the sole candidate.
Regarding (b), 2701 is 3rd term in the sequence 91, 703, 2701, 7381, 16471,... It therefore competes with 91, 703 and 7381 in registering a presence in Genesis 1:1. However, it is the only one possessing a cubic perimeter. But observe that both 91 and 703 feature in this verse anyway.
Finally, it is worth noting that 2701 is the only 4-digit number whose factors are revealed when it is added to its digit reflection, thus 2701 + 1072 = 3773 (significantly, 37 and 73 also representing digit reflections). Clearly, these particular features are radix-dependent and speak strongly for 10 being the intended collective unit for use in our systems of numeration and mensuration.
It is interesting to know that such a number as 2701 - confluence of so many features of numero-geometrical interest - exists at all, and it is doubtful whether there can another like it in the whole range of the natural numbers. But what is equally remarkable is the fact that the first verse of the Hebrew Bible has discovered it! Taking into account all the things that might have been said in the first verse of 28 letters, the starting odds can therefore be modestly assumed to be of the order of 3000 to 1 against.
But, of course, the story does not end there; account has now be taken of the further independent wonders played out within the verse. So what are the further odds against a set of 7 numbers, (a) producing - as a single value, or sum of adjacent values - the only triangle capable of dividing 2701-as-triangle into, (i) a trio of 666-as-triangle or, alternatively, (ii) two equal parts, and (b) producing a further division into two equal parts when the first is set aside? And all these features represented by simple geometries placed symmetrically within the triangular or trapezial outer structure? Clearly, these are hard to quantify. But the general impression created must be that the accumulated 'odds against' are immense, and speak eloquently of a miracle of design. Since the Hebrew scheme of alphabetic numeration post-dates the writing of Genesis 1:1 by many hundreds of years, it is clear that here we have been contemplating a miracle of supernatural design.

The Dimensions of Paradise in Light of the “Sacred Cubit”

OCTOBER 31, 2011
Post image for The Dimensions of Paradise in Light of the “Sacred Cubit”
“But you, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the Book until the time of the end. [Then] many shall run to and fro and search anxiously [through the Book], and knowledge [of God's purposes as revealed by His prophets] shall be increased and become great.” — Dan. 12:4.


There seems to exist a relationship between the measurements of Biblical temples and objects and measurements of the distances and objects  “in heaven” (as above so below).

Sacred Cubit

The Great Pyramid dimensions reflect the Sacred Cubit, the same unit of measuredescribed in the Bible by Noah, Moses, Ezekiel and King Solomon. 
Sir Isaac Newton defined the “sacred cubit” as 25 pyramid inches.  Based on his research of the ancient texts he postulated the length of the sacred cubit to be between 24. 90 and 25. 02 inches (as distinct from the Royal Cubit equal 25.62 inches believed to be the measurement employed by the Egyptians in construction of the Great Pyramid.)
1 Sacred Cubit = 25 pyramid inches = 25.0265 modern (British/American) inches (or 63.5 cm)
A pyramid inch is about 1.001 of a British or American inch.
(1 : 25) x  sacred cubit =1 inch =2. 54 cm

Heavenly (astronomical) origin of the Sacred Cubit

The pyramid inch exhibits a special relation to the size of the Earth
Geodesic measurements of the polar radius of the Earth show that the Earth has aradius of 3,949.89 miles. Converting that to feet and then inches, we see that the Earth’s radius is very close to 250,000,000 actual inches. 250,000,000 pyramid inches is exactly the polar radius of the Earth.
The original perimeter of the Great Pyramid was 36,524.2 pyramid inches (the same as the 1/100 of the number of days in a solar year.)Because a pyramid is a four-sided structure, this gives us one more interesting reason (in addition to the Earth-based measure) why the sacred cubit was divided into 25 parts to get the pyramid inch. If we divide the length of one side by 25 (to get sacred cubits), we find that the length is 365.242 sacred cubits. 
Thus the 365.242 solar year theme is found in both the perimeter and the base side of the pyramid.
The Earth’s polar radius is 250,000,000 pyramid inches translates to10,000,000 sacred cubits.
In other words, a sacred cubit, when defined as such, is 1/10,000,000 the polar radius of the Earth. If that sounds strange, then consider the so-called definition of the meter. That unit of measure is 1/10,000,000 of a quadrant of the Earth along a predetermined meridian. In other words, the quarter circumference of the Earth. If this were the case, then the ratio of the meter to the sacred cubit would be PI/2 (3.14159/2).
1 meter =39.37 inches
1 sacred cubit = 25.0265 inches 
Ratio:  1 sacred cubit/1 meter = 1.5731
2 x 1.5731 = 3.146 (very close approximation of “Pi”)
This would not be an exact ratio since the Earth is an oblate sphere, but it is a very close approximation. Dividing the meter by 100 yields a centimeter, and dividing the sacred cubit by 100 yields (very closely to) the quarter inch.
The nautical mile was originally defined as one minute of arc along a meridian of the Earth (1,852 metres).  The Earth’s polar radius equal 10,000,000 sacred cubits. Therefore surface distance equivalent to 1  minute = (2*pi*EarthRadius)/(360*60) = 2,909 sacred cubits = 1,847 m which is almost exact value of 1 nautical mile (1,852m).  This indicates that sacred cubit is connected with earth radius.
Roman Mile = 1,479 metres = nearly 10 times the height of the Great Pyramid (146.59 m)
Also, average distance from the Sun to Earth = 1,000,000,000 height of the Great Pyramid.

The Dimensions of Paradise in Light of the “Sacred Cubit”

by Doug Krieger
It seems numbers of measure, time, distance, area and equally gematria* values, the musical scales, in the company of Sumerian, Egyptian, Roman, Maya etc units of measure are all interconnected and integrated.
 *Gematria or gimatria is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to a person’s age, the calendar year, or the like. 
It is likely that the term derives from the order of the Greek alphabet, gamma being the third letter of the Greek alphabet (gamma + tria). Alternatively, the word “gematria” is generally held to derive from Greek “geometria”( “geometry”),  though some scholars believe it to derive from Greek grammateia, rather; it’s possible that both words had an influence on the formation of the Hebrew word.
Although ostensibly derived from Greek, it is largely used in Jewish texts, notably in those associated with the Kabbalah.
The best-known example of Gematria is the Hebrew word Chai (“life”), which is composed of two letters which add up to 18. This has made 18 a “lucky number” among Jews, and gifts in multiples of 18 are very common among Jews.
Some identify two forms of gematria: the “revealed” form, which is prevalent in many hermeneutic methods found throughout Rabbinic literature, and the “mystical” form, a largely Kabbalistic practice.
Though gematria is most often used to calculate the values of individual words, psukim (Biblical verses), Talmudical aphorisms, sentences from the standard Jewish prayers, personal, angelic and Godly names, and other religiously significant material, Kabbalists use them often for arbitrary phrases and, occasionally, for various languages. A few instances of gematria in Arabic, Spanish and Greek, spelled with the Hebrew letters, are mentioned in the works of Rabbi Abraham Abulafia;some Hasidic Rabbis also used it, though rarely, for Yiddish.  However, the primary language for gematria calculations has always been and remains Hebrew and, to a lesser degree, Aramaic. [Wikipedia]
The extraordinary monuments world-wide (Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, etc.) as well as temples described in sacred books (e.g. temple of Solomon, Ezekiel, New Jerusalem) are described and connected by “numbers” which appear to gel effortlessly.  In particular, the “quest” for the measurement of the “Sacred Cubit” – does it exist?  If so, did Sir Isaac Newton and a successor of his, John Taylor, uncover it as 25.02” or its final improvement of 25.20” as derived from other fascinations? 
And, if it does exist in antiquity – what impact does it have upon metrology?  Likewise, they who have sought to uncover the great mysteries of the “Dimensions of Paradise” – such as Plato and John Mitchell of occult fame – did they in fact or fancy chance upon elements in “number” that would unlock the Grand Unified Theory demonstrating mathematically the generation of the physical universe and its underlying dynamics?
Through the ages humankind produced numbers to represent distance and time which should have no reason to be related. However, a closer examination reveals there are connections there which cannot be ignored…
For instance [Source:]:
  • there are 5280 feet in a modern day mile, and 86,400 seconds in 24 hours…Interestingly 86,400 = 16.3636 x 5280, in addition to 16.3636 x 22 = 360 (this we term  as degrees in a circle), the underlined number 36 within the 16.36363636… is a cyclic (repeating) number.
  • The 87.00036744308…÷ 51.779567945149…­ = 1.680206515729… that multiplied by 1800 = 3024.3717283…­ a tad over 3024 the GP base perimeter
  • 4.444 x Pi x 1.680206515729…­ = 23.4601086503… is this the Earth tilt?
    The employed 4.444 x 9 = 40, for this reason the 4.444 x 680.4 = 3024
    This 680.4 divided by the GP height of 480 then multiplied by 2133.333 = 3024
  • The 2133.333 x 20.41875 = 43560 square feet in one acre
    The employed 20.41875 is 12.96428571 x 1.575 {756 ÷ 480}
    The 12.96428571 divided by the Schooldays Pi {22 ÷ 7} of 3.142857 = 4.125
  • The aforementioned square feet in one acre 43560 ÷ 4.125 = 10560 this is obviously two miles of 5280. 
(Note: The Following segment is Copyright by Doug Krieger)
The “Divine Mind” is attempting to communicate to us through divine dimensions – not a lot of hocus pocus – sound and furry signifying nothing! 
First of all – there are a series of numbers which clearly interact among “biblical objects” such as Noah’s Ark, the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, Israel’s Temples, Ezekiel’s Temple, and in particular, the NJ, and if Isaiah the prophet is correct, the Great Pyramid of Giza as a Monument to the Lord on the border (Giza) of Egypt – which are:  2, 3, 6, (60, 66 or 666), 9, 12, 15 (or multiple combinations of the same as in 5280 (mile in feet) or 5 + 2 + 8 = 15), 18 (and multiple combinations of “18” such as 792 (7920 the diameter of the earth in miles) or 7 + 9 + 2 = 18, 24, 27, 36 or 360, 7, 72, 144, 216, 25.20 or 252, 5040 (Plato’s prime number), these are the “revelatory numbers” and their uncanny relationships to “9” as in 27 or 2+7 = 9, or 360 = 3 + 6 = 9, etc.   Just considering the number of sq. feet in an acre, for example, we have 43,560 or “18” for 4 + 3 + 5 + 6 = 18 or 666 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, or the base angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG) is 51°51’51” or 666 (as in 5 + 1) but, more so:  6 + 6 + 6 = “18” the Prime Number of the NJ or 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 (“9”) the Number of God (see below).
For example:  PI (22/7) = 3.142857 (repeats into infinity) – so let’s take these numbers separating their decimal or 3. etc. – (3) + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 7 = (3) + 27 or 3 x 27 = 216 the “Number of God or the Name of God” (Exodus 14:19-21 from Hebrew Gematria – each verse having 72 as its total or 3 x 72 = 216).
The perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza is the most measured artifact of antiquity.  Scholars like John Mitchell clearly note its base perimeter is 3024 Linear Feet; however, he and others do precious little with this calculation wherein the measurement of the New Jerusalem – the Dimensions of Paradise – are clearly revealed.  
Check:  3024′ x 12″ = 36,288″ (the perimeter in inches of the GP) which equals:  3 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 8 = “27″ ( or 2 + 7 = “9”) one of the cardinal numbers of the NJ…
The diameter of the earth is 7,920 linear miles (or “18” the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem) at its equator (or one side of the NJ which is 660′ (one furlong) x 12,000 furlongs = 7,920,000′ (which add up to “18” or 7 + 9 + 2 = “18”) / 5280 (which “15” is one edge of the NJ in miles) = 1,500 miles x 12 edges (for the New Jerusalem is a Square Cube) = 18,000 miles (“18″ the Prime Number of the NJ) and 18,000 miles x 5,280′ = 95,040,000′ which is the “fractal” of the distance at apogee between the earth and the sun and, of course, 9 + 5 + 4 = “18” the Prime Number of the NJ.
The 36,288″ of the GPG’s perimeter directly relates to the 144 of the New Jerusalem’s Wall (144 cubits):  36,288” / 144 = 252 or 25.20 the number of the Sacred Cubit!  Likewise:  36,288 / 25.20 = 144 = which is the WALL of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:17).
The Egyptians considered 3, 6, and 7 most sacred numbers. Three represented the Triple Goddess, six meant her union with God; seven meant the Seven Harthos, seven planetary spheres, seven-gated holy city, seven-year reigns of kings, and so forth.
Egyptians were obsessed with the conviction that the total number of all deities had to be 37, because of the number’s magical properties. This was because it combined the sacred numbers of 3 and 7; and, 37 multiplied by any multiple of 3 gave a triple digit or “trinity”: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc.
The miraculous number 666 is the product of 3 x 6 x 37.
666 – Special properties
  • 666 is the sum of the first 36 natural numbers
     (i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666), and thus a triangular number.
  • The number of prime numbers up to 666 is 121, which is the square of 11,which is the number of prime numbers up to 36.
  • 666 is the sum of the squares of the first 7 prime numbers: 4+9+25+49+121+169+289=666.
  • The arithmetic mean of the decimal digits of 666 is 6:  
    ( 6+6+6)/3=6
  • The harmonic mean of the decimal digits of 666 is also 6: 
     3/( 1/6   + 1/6  + 1/6 ) = 6
  • The Roman numeral for 666, DCLXVI, has exactly one occurrence of all symbols whose value is less than 1000 (D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1).
  • The sine of the angle 666° multiplied by -2 is equal to the golden ratio.
216 and 144
216 (the name of God) and the 144 or 9 + 9 = 18, the New Jerusalem or 216 = 72, 72, 72 or 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 (or “9″ and 27 is again the NJ) but 9 x 9 x 9 = 729 or “18″ the Prime Number of the NJ (7 + 2 + 9 = “18”); or 216 minus 144 = 72 (that wonderful number comprising the 4 corner angles of the GP or 51 deg 51′ 51″ = 666 or 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 x 4 = 72 and 7 + 2 = “9” the number of fullness!
216 and 144 must be viewed in light of the New Jerusalem as 9 + 9 = 18 or 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 18.  And these two sets of “9″ when multiplied together (216 x 144 = 31,104 or 3 + 1 +1 + 4 = “9″) and now we have 3 sets of “9″ or 9 (216) + 9 (144) + 9 (360 for 144+216 = 360) = 27 – one of the Prime Numbers of the NJ!  And, finally:  360 x 144 (for God – circle, no beginning or ending 360 degrees) working upon Man (12×12 = 144 the Wall of the NJ) = 51,840 or 5 + 1 + 8 + 4 = “18″ the Prime Number of the NJ. [ Doug Krieger ]]

The Dimensions of the New Jerusalem, the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Cubit

By Doug Krieger
We have approached the most incredible structure of all antiquity – but without the Sacred Cubit and dimensions of the New Jerusalem – it means absolutely NOTHING!
I am wholly aware that the Gnostic, Pagans, etc. have feasted upon Number for millennium after millennium. Why? Look into the heavens and you will see why!
The geometry, music, astronomy, physics, math-trig-calculus, optics, biology, chemistry and a multitude of disciples declare the Sacred Origins of these matters – who are we to deny there is a DIVINE PLAN behind all of this – how stupid we have been – all of this is just accident and happenstance – NEVER!
Connecting the dots we notice they all fall into a miraculous divine master-plan for the universe and there’s TONS of this “stuff” out there…and I am not being presumptuous in stating that unbelievable fact!  Today, we can stand on the shoulders of those early folks who explored the GPG and measured its amazement – they knew, we know – there was something there communicating throughout the ages…now, at the end of time… and now we have come to this time in history….
The supreme question arises:  Did aliens transmit these incredible calculations to us – or did some Divine Mind originally transmit these unfathomably accurate elements of metrology to early man?  Yet, through the millennia these Divine Dimensions having been lost in antiquity…though, now, for a short time of history, their whereabouts has been uncovered…staring us in the face, yet unbelievably preserved in what were thought the rather sublime, archaic, but quaint, measurements of the mile, staid, furlong, inch, foot, yard, pound, etc. – yes, the “unscientific” rubbish compared to the brilliance of the French metric system of 10s…whereas, those of 12s are but of a King’s literal foot!  Alas!  Even the Brits succumbed to the “secular atheists” of the metric system – while Uncle Sam, try though he may, simply cannot count his height in meters nor drive kilometers, nor weigh himself in grams – bound as he is to antiquities accuracies!
“Modern students of ancient metrology, or units of measure, have been hampered by their use of the irrelevant metric system in their researches.  The French metre is a modern contrivance of the late eighteenth century, based on an inaccurately measured quarter of the earth’s circumference through the poles, of which the metre was made a ten-millionth part.  This new-fangled unit bears no relation to any ancient unit, and by using it for antiquarian research modern scholars have concealed from themselves the key to the elucidation of ancient metrology.  The key is in number.  All the ancient units relate to each other, and to the dimensions of the earth, by the same code of number as is found in every other ancient form of art and science.”  (John Mitchell, New View Over Atlantis, 1983, pp. 125-6).
Without the New Jerusalem’s divine calculations the mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza remain shrouded in Egyptian configurations which are inferior to those of the New Jerusalem (though they are, of course, deeply appreciated and can represent authentic conclusions).  Without the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the full expression of the glorious New Jerusalem would be diminished!  The one compliments the other – how ostentatious of the Divine Geometer to include us in on His Divine Plan for the Ages by the survival of the only Seventh Wonder of the World - having built something so perfect and yet so mysterious, that we could today uncover its mysteries and exult in its message- the Shepherd Kings of yesteryear, though long passed, yet speak anew for this most difficult hour of our tribulation and uncertainty – for like a ROCK they cannot be move! 
If Sir Isaac Newton spent 80% of his life attempting to discover the key to unlock these mysteries – let’s not fool around here – if he thought it so necessary and folks like Queen Elizabeth I, John Dee, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Frances Drake and even Shakespeare and Milton – well, were they all mad? 
I utterly concur with Mitchell – and, no, I am not sorry for having deprecated the metric system founded by the French – Mitchell claims, and it can be mathematically proven, that at its primary concern it is a faulty system of measurement (and, yes, you can do Trig without it!).  Why only the stubborn Americans have not abandoned the mile and all its accouterments is beyond me!  Even the British have succumbed to the “deceit” of the metric – and will they admit to their wrong?  Of course not! 
When we view numbers we tend to think of their “sequential” structures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. and see their inter-relationships in order but disregard their “singularity” as composites – so that when we view 144 or 216 they are not simply in their sequence nor are they stagnate (i.e., 144 occurred after 143 and “down the road” until we have 216) but that 144 is likewise “9” or 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 and the same for 216.  Likewise numbers interact (they are NOT stagnate) with each other as in 144 + 216 = 360 or 216 – 144 = 72 or 216 / 3 = 72 or 216 x 144 = 31,104 which in turn = “9” as in 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 = 9 with the zero being dropped as in virtually all configurations.  Square roots (a number multiplied by itself equaling an original number as in the square root of 25 is 5 or 5×5=25, can be utilized, and of course, PI (3.14285714+ for here we have 3. and 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 4 = 32 and 3 x 32 = 96 or 9 + 6 = 15 (“15” is the edge of the New Jerusalem or 1,500 miles).
Furthermore, the principle of the “fractal” is mandatory in dealing with “number.”  For example – the distance between the earth and the sun (at apogee) is 95,040,000 miles; this can be expressed as a “fractal” in inches or 95,040,000” is the distance between the earth and the sun at apogee.  My inadvertent discovery of the number of Statute Miles from the earth to the sun at its apogee.  I love doing this – and, of course, I flipped out when I so discovered it on my own, no less – via ratios, of course.

Now, let’s look at the New Jerusalem described in the Bible. 

And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the  children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measuredthe wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits,  according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.. – King James Bible, Revelation 21:10-17 (Remembering it was King James who followed Queen Elizabeth I wherein she passed in 1603 and then was commissioned the KJV, the Queen having laid its formidable foundation in the Sacred Cubit!)
First, the prime measurement of the New Jerusalem is 12,000 furlongs on one of its 12 edges (Revelation 21:16 – and one must use the KJV or NKJV without distorting the measurement) – and it is also 4-square but it is a cube according to the Apocalypse – and, as per the Sacred Cubit measurement of 25.20″ (which I firmly believe to be utterly extraordinary and unique and incredibly preserved by John Dee’s work with Queen Elizabeth I – long but incredibly interesting research here and how the Brits came up with the nautical mile vs. statute mile) – well, 1 furlong is equal to 660′ (feet) – even John Mitchell admits to this!
So – taking 660′ x 12,000 furlongs = 7,920,000 feet (and 7,920 is the diameter of the earth in miles and 7 + 9 + 2 = 18 and “18″ is definitely the NUMBER of the New Jerusalem - and, interestingly enough so is the NUMBER 15 as in 6 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 15 (660′x12,000 Furlongs)….allow me).  Now, 7,920,000 feet is equal in miles to 1,500 miles (7,920,000 / 5,280 and 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 so “15” and “18”).  1,500 miles x 12 edges = 18,000 miles or 18; therefore we have the numbers “15″ and “18″ prominently displayed in the NJ (New Jerusalem). 
The NJ has no need of the sun nor of the moon – and the righteous shall shine as the sun…now check this out:
7,920,000 feet x 12″ = 95,040,000″ or the “fractal” in inches of the distance between the earth and the sun at apogee in miles (furthest distance) and 9 + 5 + 4 = 18.
Of course, 18,000 miles (all 12 edges) x 5,280 feet = 95,040,000 Feet which is the same fractal but in feet of the distance between earth and the sun in miles, etc. 
Incidentally, since we’ve reached the sun – allow me:  The sun’s diameter is 864,000 miles (or “18” – do the math); and 864,000 miles x 5280’ = 4,561,920,000’ or (“27”).  Now, if the sun, like the NJ, were cubed and had 12 edges, using its diameter as the primary edge, we would have 864,000 x 12 = 10,368,000 miles or “18” – the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem and 10,368,000 miles x 5280’ = 54,743,040,000’ or “27” or “9” and 54,743,040,000 x 12” = 656,916,480,000 or (“45” which equals to “9”).  Are you “trakin’ with me?”
Now, let me blow your mind:  95,040,000 miles x 5,280 feet = 501,811,200,000 feet or 5 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 = “18” – The prime number of the NJ. 
The “basis” of the 25.20″ “Sacred Cubit” has altogether much to do with the measurements of the Sacred Cubit – but – note this:  2 + 5 + 2 = 9.  “9″ in the Scripture (Judeo-Christian) connotes fullness as in 9 Gifts of the Spirit and 9 Fruits of the Spirit - so we discover a most amazing thing here 18,000 miles of the NJ is 1 + 8 = 9 or 18 / 2 = 9.  Likewise, the number 2520 is 360 (degrees the rotation of the earth in one 24 hr. day) x 7 days (one week) = 2520 degrees; furthermore, 2520 + 360 you have 2 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 6 = “18” the number of the NJ and 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.
Our little team has discovered SCORES of these peculiar associations – is this by chance, by accident?   These “things” came to us during the past 4 months (July-October, 2011) and like writing a symphony – honestly, I felt I was going out of my mind!  Plato’s 5040 (9) / 2 = 2520 or two sets of 9 or 18 – and on and on it went – not only was astronomy brought into this but music, geometry, biology and a host of disciplines wherein we performed similar “numerical fetes” baffling otherwise normal minds?
I can’t imagine why I’ve seen all this and much more – so my Jewish friend gives me that peculiar flick called PI (3.14 or 22/7) – which prominently mentions two numbers in the flick – they are 144 and 216 – trust me, only two prominent numbers – look at them – what do you see? – here’s what I saw:
144 = 9 and 216 = 9 or 9 + 9 = “18”.  Also 144 is another prime number of the NJ – the 144,000 (Rev. 7 and 14) and as John Mitchell pondered – “for some reason the Wall of the New Jerusalem is 144 cubits” = so, John (now deceased) 144 x 25.20″ = 3,628.8″ or 36,288 or 3 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 8 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9. 
Also, 36,288 is the NUMBER in inches (precisely) of the perimeter of the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza – using 756′ (which is standard) x 4 (the perimeter base) = 3024′ (and also “9″) x 12″ = 36,288 Inches (which is “27″ or 2 + 7 = 9) – simply mind-numbing!  And “cubing” the Great Pyramid, using its base x 3 (12 edges) = 9,072′ (9 + 7 + 2 = 18) or 9072′ x 12″ = 108,864″ or 1 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9.  And, no this transmission of information doesn’t go into the many intricacies of the GPG – virtually all of which, from what I can preliminarily ascertain, confirm nigh all that has gone on before in this piece – utterly astounding!
The “216″ was critical to the Orthodox Jews because it had within it the “Name of God” and they wanted to get this name to hasten the coming of Messiah – it is taken fromthree verses from the book of Exodus 14:19-21 each comprised of 72 (7 + 2 = 9) gematria or 72 x 3 = 216 (or “9″ again) = the name of God and 216 (9) + 144 (9) = 360 (9) or 9+9+9=27 (God + the NJ = 360 or 9 or the CIRCLE – the “sun” or 360 degrees) and 216 x 144 = 31,104 or 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 = 9 or via addition and multiplication we have 9 + 9 = 18 the Prime Number of the NJ.

The Nautical Mile and the Years of the Great Precessional or Zodiac/Mazzaroth

Now, allow me to bore you to tears:
There are, as you well know, 21,600 Nautical Miles in the earth’s circumference(another “9″ incidentally) and 1 degree = 60 nautical miles or 21,600 / 360 = 60 miles and 3 of such nautical degrees = 180 miles (“18″) and the Great Precessional of the Zodiac =25,920 years / 360 degrees in a “circuit” or “circle” = 72 years per degree x 3 degrees = 72 + 72 + 72 = 216 (The Name of God) or 2 + 1 + 6 = “9″ and bizarre of bizarre, 180 Nautical Miles x 5,280 (using the statute miles and “mixing” it with the Nautical Mile) = 5,280 x 180 = 950,400 (look familiar?) = 95,040,000 or 950,400 is a “fractal” of the distance between the earth and the sun and, of course 9 + 5 + 4 = 18.
NOTE:  25,920 years = 2 + 5 + 9 + 2 = “18” … The Prime Number of the New Jerusalem!
And “1” nautical degree of the earth = 60 miles and one degree of Great Precessional = 72 years; therefore 6072 = 6 + 7 + 2 = 15 (One side of the NJ’s 1,500 – its fractal) and focuses our attention upon the “earth and the heavens” – the two great spheres and 180 + 216 = 396 or 3 + 9 + 6 = “18” or 180 x 216 = 38,880 or 3 + 8 + 8 + 8 = “27” = 2 + 7 = “9” and 6072 x 3 “degree/sets” = 18,216 or 1 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 6 = “18”, the Number of the New Jerusalem – the HEAVENS & THE EARTH cry out for the New Jerusalem!
The New Jerusalem (NJ) side is 7920 (7,920,000’) x 7920 = 62,726,400 / 43,560 (acre) = 144 (the prime measurement of the NJ’s Wall – which includes Israel and the Church – 12 Gates the Names of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb, her foundations or 12×12=144) – also 62,726,400 = “27″ which is a Prime Number of the NJ and “9″ or 2 + 7 = 9 or, if you would, 144 = 9 and 62,726,400 ultimately = 9 (i.e., 27) and 9 + 9 = “18” the Prime Number of the NJ.
62,726,400 (which is really 62,726,400,000,000 or 660′ x 12,000 furlongs = 7,920,000 Linear Feet x 7,920,000 Linear Feet = 62,726,400,000,000 sq. feet- like, let’s start working with the G20 Budget!) and but one side of the New Jerusalem x 6 sides of the cubed  NJ = 376,358,400,000,000 sq. feet / 43,560 sq. feet in an acre = 8,640,000,000 acres or 8 + 6 + 4 = “18″ the Prime Number of the NJ or her 18,000 Linear Miles Cubed 12 Edges – ea. edge being 1,500 miles long in linear length.
One of the most “special properties” of 666 is this:  6 + 6 + 6 = “18″ – So if left alone 666 isn’t doing too well but when Man (for it is the number of a man) is added to the Almighty (3) then something marvelous happens!  And, don’t forget 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 or 3×72 = 216 the Number of God’s Name…see below…
The acre (43,560 sq. feet which is also “18″) but the “edge” of the New Jerusalem if it be 660′ x 12,000 furlongs = 7,920,000 Linear Feet x 7,920,000 (to secure the square footage of one of its six sides) = 7,920 (looping off the zeroes to see it more clearly and 7 + 9 + 2 = 18) x 7,920 = 62,726,400 (which is “27″ or “9″) / 43,560 sq. feet in an acre = 1,440 or the 144 of the New Jerusalem herself (Note:  Herself in that she is a BRIDE prepared for her groom = the “Eternal Relationship” of God with Man). 
With today’s GPS we have clearly determined that the distance from the Great Pyramid of Giza to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is 273 miles (precisely – and that from its furthest base point to the “dome of the spirits” wherein was the Ark of the Covenant / Dome of the Tablets – indeed, a measurement which corresponds in volume to that of the King’s Chamber of the GPG and its sarcophagus (another one of my ridiculously unbelievable discoveries based on the Sacred Cubit. 
Now here is something for all who are on the quest for truth and the revelation of the hidden mysteries of antiquity. With modern technology this can now be at our finger tips, so hold on to your seat!
So…let’s take the 273 miles (which number “273″ is found in the fourth book of Moses, the book of Numbers in chapter 3:40-51, esp. 46  “And for the redemption of the two hundred and seventy-three of the firstborn of the children of Israel, who are more than the number of the Levites” – i.e., more than 22,000 – ah, and indeed, the number of the shekels and gerahs for redemption opens up a treasure trove to us as well…but later) – so let’s take the 273 miles x 5,280′ (for the inch, foot, yard, furlong, mile, etc. are all predicated upon the Sacred Inch and Cubit) and this is what we get:
273 mi. x 5,280′ = 1,441,440′ or two sets of 144, 144 which is the measurement of the Wall of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:17 – “Then he measured its wall:  one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel(Note:  both MAN and ANGEL so mentioned – i.e., the “earth” (man) and the “heavens” (angel) and note – you are taking 2 + 7 + 3 (12) x 5 + 2 + 8 (15 – side of the NJ) and that both together constitute 27 (i.e., 12 + 15 = “27” or 2 + 7 = “9” or 1 + 2 + 1 + 5 = “9” as well). 
Now, if you divide this 1,441,440′ by yards (i.e., 3′) it will equal 480,480 or two “sets” of 12 each or 12 + 12 = 24 (could this allude to the 24 elders of the Revelation or the 12 gates and 12 foundations or Israel and the Church of the New Jerusalem?  Come on now = there are two sets of 144 in the 273 and there are two groups of 144,000 in the Revelation + they are brought together in the New Jerusalem’s wall.  So, some have said (including me) that the first group of 144,000 are Israel in Rev. 7 and the 2nd group of 144,000 are the Church in Rev. 14 and interestingly enough 144 = “9” and 144 = “9” and 9 + 9 = “18” which is the number of the NJ in linear miles (i.e., 18,000 miles on 12 of its edges with 1 edge = 1,500 miles or 660′ x 12,000 furlongs = 7,920,000, etc.).
But of the Great Pyramid of Giza – and due to the fact it is the most measured structure of antiquity on the face of the planet – we have incredibly accurate calculations due to a host of 1800′s evangelical eschatologists and modern characters as well – including the French! 
Now, what I am saying here – most definitively is this:  The relationship of the Great Pyramid of Giza – the children of Israel – their Exodus – and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem are altogether interconnected and reflect the Sacred Measurements of the New Jerusalem in toto!
Hold your breath:  6 + 6 + 6 = “18.”  Remember, the 144 cubits is according to the measure of a man – even so, though the Beast’s number (666) – left alone by itself without the addition is very dangerous; however, if the “Three-Sided Pyramid” (for the triangle sets the pace here) is calculated into the 666 it transforms it into the New Jerusalem! 
And, behold the multiple of wonders:  6 x 6 x 6 = 216 (look familiar besides looking like “9″) – it is really 72 + 72 + 72 or 3×72 = 216 equals to 3 degrees of the Great Precessional of the Zodiac!  It is at once the “number of a man” and the “measure of a man” – it constitutes 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 (the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven – as seen in the Zodiac/Mazzaroth – the way it was originally intended by the Ancient of Days and the real ancients – i.e., Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Melchisedec, and Job, etc.).  It is altogether clear that the 216 is the “Name of God” (See Here:  PI)
The truth of the matter is this – the Egyptians did, in fact, consider sundry numbers as sacred; however, the Great Pyramid of Giza via its divine dimensions superseded anything conjured up by the “magicians” of Egypt, or for that matter the Aztecs, etc. - Newton and Mitchell are correct – these artifacts of antiquity – the oldest on earth – are “extraterrestrial” (i.e., Divine in origin) in nature, if you would, they are simply the most ancient of divine measurement and wholly and ultimately predict and lead toward the New Jerusalem in their fullness!
My series on THE PURPOSES OF GOD are fraught with measurements from the Great Pyramid of Giza and now all this material – grief, it’s unending!  Tell me – is this not altogether unbelievable:
One base side of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG) is 756′ (and I will not attempt at this time to utterly substantiate this calculation – it is the most reliable of all the configurations, period) and its total = 18, so there!

Now, let us multiple that figure by 12″ = 9,072″ (or another “18″) and that figure by 4 (counting all 4 edges of its base = 36,288 inches (and our NJ number “27″ or “9″ which connotes fullness) – then if we were to “cube” the GPG it would have 3 (12 edges) x 36,288″ = 108,864 Linear Inches or “27″ and “9″ again – and 108,864″ / 12″ = 9,072′ (of course) or “18″ again.  If this were not enough – the108,864″ / 25.20″ (the Sacred Cubit) = 4,320 or “9″ or 108,864″ / 144 = 756 or “18″ the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem divided by the Wall of the New Jerusalem! 
Of course, all this is simply “chance” and “accident” because we can prove anything and everything by cleverly manipulating numbers – thank you, Mr. Skeptic – people just “did things” for the heck of it!
Also, 756′ x 756′ = 571,536 sq. feet (which is “27″) x 6 (sides of a cube if we were to be “cubed” the GPG using its base as the primary side) = 3,429,216 sq. feet or “27″ / 144 = 23,814 or “18″ the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem / 25.20 (The Sacred Cubit) = 945 or 9 + 4 + 5 = 18 – The Prime Number of the New Jerusalem AGAIN! Could it be that the Sacred Cubit (25.20″) the 144 of the New Jerusalem are revealed in the Great Pyramid of Giza - come on now – as the black preacher used to say – TRACK WITH ME NOW! 
Now, 3,429,216 / 43,560 (sq. ft. in an acre) = 78.72+ but 7 + 8 + 7 + 2 = 24 and there you have it:  The 24 elders AGAIN!  Am I going out of my mind, or what? 
But let’s go over the top here:  3,429,216 sq. feet x 144 (for there are 144 sq. inches in 1 sq. foot) = 493,807,104 sq. inches on the face sides of the GPG if we were to “cube” it.  Which NUMBER is equivalent to “36″ or our infamous “9″ or “3″ (God) + 6 (Man) = God and Man together or “heaven” and “earth” together.  But wait: 493,807,104 / 25.20″ the Sacred Cubit = 19,595,520 which is, wouldn’t you know it = “36″ or “9″ or, forbid, 3 x 6 = “18”and there we go again!  So you see – when the GPG interacts with the numbers of the New Jerusalem it just goes bonkers!  Incidentally, we haven’t integrated its elevation, the peculiarity of its capstone, its inner and sub-surface chambers, etc. – ALL of which integrate into the dimensions of the NJ.
Again, let me repeat:  The Great Pyramid of Giza ALL ITS MEASUREMENTS including the Nile Delta Quadrant, etc. are totally at ease and utterly at home with the Sacred Cubit and the Measurements of the New Jerusalem!  That includes all its chambers, passageways and even its apparent “irrigational” genius, as well as the incredible nature of its missing capstone – WHAT A WONDER IS THAT!! 
The Blocks that Make up the Great Pyramid of Giza and 273 and 153
One more wonder – now that we can do high-tech accounting of the blocks which constitute the number of stones used in the GPG – not only were there some 144,000 exterior casing stones (and I do not wish to argue that point) but with the technology of today we know that there are not 2+ million stone blocks but 600,000+ blocks (quoting from Socrates G. Taseos) that 756′ could be spot on insofar as the base calculation (but many others have arrived at this as well) – and of course, its witness to the heavens, alignment with constellations / stars, etc. – now the precise number of the blocks (according to the Pascal Computer) used to build the Great Pyramid is 603,728 – 13,016 = 590,712 – but let’s just stick with the 603,728 number.
Why the Pascal Computer number:  603,728?  Please go to Numbers 2:32 and we read:
“These are the ones who were numbered of the children of Israel by their fathers houses:  All who were numbered according to their armies of the forces were six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty” or 603,550 + we must add the special Levites who were redeemed @ 273 to 603,550 = 603,823 which just happens to be 95 off from the Pascal Computer configuration – a measurement so small as to make it statistically inconsequential; therefore, the armies of Israel equate to the number of blocks used in the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza – YES!  (Now – you didn’t hear me say this BUT taking Pascal Computer’s figure of 603,728 + 603,823 (the Biblical accounting of the Armies of Israel with the 273 redeemed from the Levites in that they had 22,273 and needed but 22,000 / 2 (getting the average of the two numbers – we oddly enough come up with 603,775.5 (precisely) or “33″ which is, of course, the Prime Number of Messiah or the age of Jesus crucified/resurrected – but don’t tell anyone because they’ll think a 33rd degree Mason thought that one up!). 
Likewise the 273 Levites so redeemed from their tribe to stand in the regular armies of Israel were redeemed taking “five shekels for each one” or a shekel was worth 20 gerahs and known as the “shekel of the sanctuary.”  Therefore, the total number of shekels of redemption were according to Numbers 3:50:  1,365 Shekels of the Sanctuary or 1 + 3 + 6 + 5 = “15″ – or the fractal of the 1,500 miles of the prime edge of the New Jerusalem or 1 x 3 x 6 x 5 = 90 or “9″ – again, the number of fullness and connected to the NJ. 
The unique “273″ is definitely connected to the NJ – for 273 x 144 = 39,312 or 3 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 2 = “18″ (or 3 x 9 x 3 x 1 x 2 = “18” or 19602) – and, of course 273 = 2 + 7 + 3 = 12 and when 273 is added to 144 we have a most interesting confirmation:  273 + 144 = 417 or 4 + 1 + 7 = 12 or 12 + 12 = 24 (the four and twenty elders of the NJ) or 12×12 = 144 (the wall in cubits of the NJ).  By adding two zeroes to the 1,365 Shekels we arrive at the number of Gerahs needed for redemption or 136,500 (still 15 and 1 x 3 x 6 x 5 = 10890 or “18”) and 136,500 x 144 = 19,656,000 or 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 6 = “27″ or 2 + 7 = “9″ – the number of fullness and another critical number of the New Jerusalem.  By dividing 19,656,000 / 25.20 (the number of the Sacred Cubit), interestingly enough, we arrive at 780,000 or 7 + 8 = “15” or 15 is a fractal of one edge of the NJ or 1,500 miles = 1 of the 12 edges of the cubed NJ. 
The peculiarity of the “273″ and the 273 miles from Giza’s Great Pyramid to the Dome of the Spirits on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is akin to the 153 fish caught at the Sea of Galilee - having not only to do with PI/3.14+ but the rather obvious of 1 + 5 + 3 = “9″ or 1 x 5 x 3 = “15″  – both numbers are incredibly linked to the NJ.  But when we add 273 + 153 (the redeemed and the fish which obviously typify the gospel and the “fishers” of men yet to be redeemed) it equals 408 or 4 + 8 = 12 (another of the primary numbers of the NJ) or the 12 Patriarchs of Israel and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb of the NJ. 
What’s of great interest is discovering another “12″ in these combinations, for 273 – 153 = 120 or “12″ or the 120 in the Upper Room or the 120 of Nehemiah 10:1-10 of the “Great Synagogue.”  Multiplying these two sets of numbers:  273 x 153 = 41,769 or 4 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 9 = “27″ = “9″ (or 2 x 7 x 3 x 1 x 5 x 3 = 838530 or “27” or “9” or 4 x 1 x 7 x 6 x 9 = 16631 or “18” – the Prime Number of the NJ’s 18,000 mile edges) which, again, are critical numbers of the NJ.  Thus, the “redemption” of Israel and the Church bear incredible integration using the backdrop of the New Jerusalem as their raison d’être.
I should more adequately address the Pascal Computer calculations and their importance…as well as the relationship of the Sacred Cubit and the 144:
The Pascal Computer number of blocks total of 603,728 does represent a most amazing number:  “26″ – however, 6 x 3 x 7 x 2 x 8 = 2016 or 216 or 2160 which is both the Diameter of the Moon in Miles, as well as the very Name of God (216).  Furthermore:  2 x 1 x 6 = 12 which these blocks of stone via the Pascal Computer are most certainly connected to the 12 Tribes of Israel . . . for it was they whose history is filled with Messianic Promise, looking forward to the New Jerusalem’s 12 Gates who have the names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. 
 For it is in cubit inches – Revelation 21:17 – I go into great detail in THE PURPOSES OF GOD to establish the 25.20” Sacred Cubit/Sacred Inch using the 360° in a day’s 24 hr. rotation x 7 days in a week = 2520° and the “Handwriting on the Wall” against Belshazzar the king, as a Chaldean monetary measurement of 2,520 gerahs as in Mena (1,000 gerahs), Mena (1,000 gerahs) Tekel (20 gerahs) Upharsin (500 or ½ a Mena or 500 gerahs) = 2,520 gerahs (Daniel 5:24-29) and Ezekiel 40:5 wherein 6  + 1 Hand breadth with a hand breadth = to 3.6” x 7 = 25.20” and many other calculations as well – to say nothing of Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery and conclusion of 25.02” which in essence is 252, as is 25.20 = 252.  

Earth’s Moon

But I digress to tell you – the distance between the earth and the moon at apogee (its furthest elliptical distance) is 252,000 miles (the number of the Sacred Cubit); and, 252,000 x 5,280’ in a mile = 1,330,560,000’ or 1 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 6 = “18” the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem, but, of course, again, this is but an accident!  Likewise, 1,330,560,000’ x 12” = 15,966,720,000 which is “36” or 3 x 6 = “18” another happenstance. 
But due to one’s persistence to argue with Sacred Calculations – let us quickly examine the diameter of earth’s moon at 2,160 miles + 360 = 2520 (the Sacred Cubit). Or, to be certain of our skepticism:  2,160 = “9” and 2520 = “9” = “18” (i.e., 9 + 9) and what of this:  2,160 miles x 5,280’ = 11,404,800 or 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 8 = “18” the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem AGAIN!  Still, they will not believe – if Moses were raised from the dead, they would not believe!
But maybe we could cube the moon using its diameter – then will they believe?   Using its diameter as one of its cubed edges, we have:  2160 x 12 edges = 25,920 or “18” again as in 2 + 5 + 9 + 2 = “18.”  Still they will not believe – so we take:  11,404,800’ x 11,404,800’ = 130,069,463,040,000 sq. feet (or one side of a “cubed” moon’s 6 sides) = “36” or 3 x 6 = “18” the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem; and 130,069,463,040,000 x 6 sides = 780,416,778,240,000 or “54” or 5 + 4 = “9” another NJ number of repute!

Back to the Great Pyramid of Giza

And, that wall, again is 144 (cubits) x 25.20” = 36,288” or the perimeter at its base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (756’ x 12” = 9072” x 4 (edges of the base) = 36,288” which is the precise measurement of the “wall of the New Jerusalem’s 144 Sacred Cubits x 25.20” = 36,288”) – so, as it turns out, the Pascal Computer is “on to something!”  Question:  Do the blocks of the GPG tell us of the 24 elders, the 144 of the New Jerusalem and the Sacred Cubit’s measurement of 25.20”?   Yet even subtracting the 13,016 from the original 603,728 to arrive at 590,712 blocks we still get 24 (5 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 2 = “24”) and the “scenario” plays itself out again!
We haven’t discussed the GPG and “squaring its circle” and its incredible revelatory heights, sine, angles at the base, Nile Delta configurations and the astounding interior measurements – ALL of which are wholly committed to the measurements of the New Jerusalem – what John Mitchell calls the Dimensions of Paradise (but he has no idea why its wall is 144 cubits – p. 21 “The Dimensions of Paradise” – 2008 Edition). 
Well, I can’t resist – and, as you well know – the base angles are 51°51’51” – now, let’s do the marvelous math:  5 + 1 = 6 so 666 but 5 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 1 = “18” – the cardinal and most essential measurement of the totality of the NJ!
Everything appears Sacred!  Everything points to the New Jerusalem – imagine – hard to, I know – but there can be nothing more spectacular than this – the Divine Geometer was and is hard at work to affect His New Jerusalem!
And if I were to tell you that in a triangle there is 180° (“18”) – then what of the “peak” of the Great Pyramid of Giza which was never completed (purposefully so, I affirm until the “Shouting of Grace, Grace” are heard from Zechariah 4 and the Capstone is finally complete!  That said – let’s do the math:
51°51’51” + 51°51’51” = 103°43’42” and 180°00’00” – 103°43’42” = 76°16’18” (the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza) or 7 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 8 = “29” or 2 x 9 = “18” – which is the Prime Number of the New Jerusalem or 18 + 18 + 18 (all three major angles of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Note: 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in one minute.)).
But all of the above are from but one measurement of GPG – 756′ and, of course, its base angles and top angle if it were extended. 
But one more final mind-numbing discovery of the Sacred Cubit with the Great Pyramid of Giza and why the 756′ Linear Foot Base on one of its four base sides – watch carefully, for the “hand of the divine eye” is much quicker than poor puny man’s failing sight:  7 x 5 x 6 = 210 x 12 Edges of a Cubed Great Pyramid of Giza = 2520 or25.20″ the SACRED CUBIT!  Now, pray tell, this but another of a multitude of happenstance occurrences – no doubt!
Well, now you can see why I’m going MAD!  I would also like to point out that the only TWO Proper Names mentioned in the NJ are the 12 Gates which bare the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb, the 12 Foundations or 12 x 12 = 144 – for the WALL is 144 cubits.  The integration of the “Work of God” is ONE – From Abraham to the End of the Age = the NJ – the Dimensions of Paradise are utterly astounding. 
I hasten to add that Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury and a host of other Sacred Monuments, even so-called LEYS throughout antiquity, when integrated with the “Sacred Cubit” come utterly alive!  Likewise, this includes Noah’s Ark, the Great Pyramid of Giza (throughout, of course); the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, all the Temples of Israel and esp. Ezekiel’s Temple and all point toward the NJ. 
We’re on to something here – something really huge!
I am also convinced that the ancient Zodiac is not a Sumerian concoction but wholly committed to Adam, Seth and Enoch and is a “prophetic time piece” given by Divine Measurement set in the heavens from Abraham to the Millenarian Age – in Hebrew it is called the Mazzaroth – “Canst though bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?” (Job 38:31-33 KJV).
Copyright 2011Doug Krieger
 DIMENSIONS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM - a 33 PART VIDEO SERIES – Includes a series understanding of NUMBER and Sacred Geometry. Covers major objects of Sacred Text (Judeo-Christian) – Noah’s Ark – Ark of the Covenant – Children of Israel – Tabernacle in the Wilderness – All the Temples of Israel – Ezekiel’s Future Millenarian Temple – Great Pyramid of Giza – Astronomy – the New Jerusalem
THE PURPOSES OF GOD – Video e-book by Doug Krieger

??? ????? August 18, 2013 at 11:51 am
Could you message me with some hints & tips about how you made this website look this good, Id be ap
HELEN PARKS March 20, 2012 at 1:41 pm
Charles Marcello – (said with a chuckle, but not intended to be serious…
I love that you wrote the above on Halloween/Samhain) –
If you are the same Charles Marcello who wrote the PLANETARY DATE written in the pyramids – I need to tell you that according to Nostradamus and his HIDDEN TEXTS – you are correct.
“In Mercury Venus Saturn”
the line says:
5 32 2 Est abondant, sa ruine s’approche
Prophecise BEASTS ~ End Approaches
‘Copper’ is also meant to mean Libra, according to Nostradamus
and he states in his Epistle to Henri
“it will be in October that the great translation will take place, such that people will think there is no gravity”
Where ‘translation’ means a ‘geological’ transfer…that of the Earth herself?
For Nostradamus, the SATAN BEAST is from Orion and Sirius.
URANITE is his word for a being ‘from the heavens’.
Now the words:
I AM THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA should be familiar to most people
these are meant to have been words
of Jesus in the Book of Revelation (verses 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13)
The CONSTELLATION setting of the pyramids is in ORION (Belt) = the ALPHA
the ‘beginning’
and the
PLANETARY setting is is in OMEGA
the completion
Crystal November 14, 2011 at 12:10 am
My heart is sad! I filled an entire notebook this weekend; half from yours (Charles) “2012 and the Pyramids of Giza” & now half from yours (Doug’s) article… In consideration of the Divine Spark which you both seem to agree is within us all, I ask for a moment of your time and thoughts. I promise I will get to my point; however, in true representation of my feminine element, I begin with the “Reader’s Digest” story of my journey.
The summer before my 7th birthday, I began having dream that continued for nine years. It was prophetic of my mother’s death during my teenage years, and one of the reasons I have peace about her passing. In my dream, Jesus told me he had to take her where she would no longer hurt. Please do not analyze this as I’m sure you would both agree everyone’s path is unique. The point is, I’ve always known His was the path I was called to follow. I grew up in a small southern town where mom was the director of youth/children for a large church. I was the child that argued with my Sunday school teacher about astrology/astronomy being the work of the devil. I explained to her, in front of the whole class, that “God MADE the stars & YOU KNOW…the whole Magi/baby Jesus thing”… I was also the child that helped with extra chores while mom taught me an important lesson about how to present an opposing view in ways that are not offensive to others. She said one of humanities worst downfalls was our judgement of others belief’s and if we wanted to help others, we should strive to demonstrate the kindness Jesus did. We were at church…A LOT, and when I would get bored in services, I would read one of three things in my Bible: Revelation, Daniel, or “The Red Words”. Between my 5th-16th years I was given the fantastic gift of Biblical knowledge. After my mother’s passing, I was exposed to another side of “Christianity”. The side that hates and accuses all others outside of their own sect. I’m afraid I must say, these people exist in many organized religions and the true nature of crimes against humanity committed under the banner of “God’s work” will soon be fully exposed. The “Veil” will be lifted, one way or another… Moving forward! I became a legal adult at 17 & instead of accepting multiple scholarship offers (for voice & ACT scores) I rebelled…I was on my own & could. I settled down fairly quickly and became a responsible adult & mother. About 6 & 1/2 years ago, a friend of mine & I began researching symbols for fun. Three years later, on Easter weekend, I was watching History Channel’s special on The Shroud of Turin. It inspired me to buy Bart Ehrman’s “Lost Scripture’s” which in turn caused me to cross reference the Bible and the race was on,lol! Somewhere before March 16th, 2011, I studied Magi Astrology and Carl Jung’s theories as well. On March 16th, I went to my local bookstore, bought Rav P.S. Berg’s “The Essential Zohar”, my beloved “72 names of God” by Yehuda Berg”, and excitedly drove to see two of my best friends. I informed them I had decided to teach myself Hebrew. One of my friends burst out “Ok! THIS is ridiculous” I was shocked…She continued “You are one of those people that is stupid smart! If you’re going to continue this, you need to get a degree for it! you study more for fun than people in college do”. The next day, St. Patrick’s Day, I began with the first “Name of God” meditation. Vav Hey Vav~I ask for Time Travel. I was given the gift that afternoon when I applied to a private college in my town. I had turned down a full scholarship to the school to stay with my mother before she passed. They wanted me to skip my Senior year & provide full financial aid, but it was not yet my time…Now 15+ years later, their arms opened to me again. Between March 17th & the end of August my thirst for knowledge became unquenchable. I read: The Zend Avesta, James Gleick’s “Isaac Newton”, Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography, and The “Odyssey”. I studied the Zohar, Kahil Gibran’s “The Prophet”, and continued my Biblical, “Lost Scripture’s”, and astrology work. September was even more intense. I was given a book by Dolores Cannon “The Convoluted Universe Book Two” and began classes…The two “biggies” are Ancient Hebrew Scripture’s (the OT) & an upper division history class where the first half is 3000+ years of Greek history & the second is Roman history. Since September, I have read over 20 additional books and spent hours researching amazing articles like you both have written. See, I am a “Truth Collector” of sorts and as you both have said in your own way…The set time has come. We must not ignore the obvious call that has been issued. It appears, MANY different ancient mysteries are telling us the same message that is referred to in Revelation 14:6-7…In other words WAKE UP!!! The call has been issued and The Awakening is upon us. Too long has hatred ruled humanity. We MUST NOT lose focus on the BIG picture right now!!! We must “LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELVES” and help each other. Open minds are required for this task. All the Ancient wisdom proves itself in 3 ways:
* The Mathematics!!! (That seems like the understatement of 15,000 years) BOTH of you provide undeniable evidence of that. Also, may I suggest this as the “masculine” or “yin”.
*The Symbolism!!! It’s as equally consistent, when you understand and study ALL sacred ancient writings. This represents our “feminine” or “yang”
* The Common Message!!! This is the MOST important…and will be the most difficult of all. To understand the Message, we must release all ego & open the eyes of our souls.
Thank you both so much for all of the wisdom you have put forth and for reading my story. I offer the following tidbits for consideration:
* I find it most helpful to work with The Harper Collins Study Bible. It is important to understand the Hebrew in it’s most original form. By the time of the Septuagint, certain grammatical rules had been lost. For example: Gen 1:1~ It is not “In the beginning”. The “medieval Jewish commentator” found that the Hebrew verb “reshit”, beginning, required it be the beginning OF something (There are two creations there). Details like this make it possible for the Truth in the”72 Names of God” to exist…If we apply a law to certain parts, we must apply it all.
* I am going to shamelessly paraphrase from Gleick’s Best Seller “Isaac Newton” NOT EVER, EVER to judge or accuse!!! Only to put forth a historical fact for awareness and contemplation. In 1686-7, King James II issued royal mandates placing Catholics as fellows & college officers. Feb. of 1687, he ordered Cambridge to install a Benedictine monk as Master of Arts. Newton, a Puritan, combed the university’s charter issued by Queen Elizabeth I, and encouraged Cambridge to defy the king. The Benedictine monk did not get the degree. Newton had no tolerance for organized religion. I caution ALL people against the blindness and hatred caused by “religion”…ESPECIALLY NOW!!! That is math we NEED to do!!! How many would Earth have if for a day, people of ALL FAITHS sent out “nuthin’ but love” to each other in quiet, focused prayer/meditation? I wonder how much “energy” THAT would generate???
*Another Revelation quote warns us of a HUGE mistake mankind has been making for some time now: Rev 19:10 & 22:8-9 “Then I fell down at his [the Angel] feet to worship him, but he said to me, ‘You must not do that! I am a fellow servant of you and your brothers who hold to Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’ “.
* Revelation 13:18 In the last sentence there is a conflict in ancient texts. One number is six hundred sixty six (6 6 6=18) the other is six hundred sixteen (6 1 6=13) Hmmmm…VERY interesting :)
* This is not a puzzle…The area’s addressed in BOTH articles are keys to THE PUZZLE!!! AND…There’s more; though,it’s scattered less & less these days. We have begun “The Gathering”…We need every cell of the “Body” to begin working together. After all, what good’s a heart without oxygen from lungs or muscles who refuse to embrace bones?
Doug Krieger November 4, 2011 at 8:13 pm
Dear Cleber – Wonderful! Really appreciate your input on this sort of spontaneous subject – currently, I’m putting together a MATRIX of numbers which correlate with the “18″ of the New Jerusalem and the “144″ and the “33″ and, of course, the Sacred Cubit of 25.20 or 252.
There are, I affirm, to be 30 priority numbers of the New Jerusalem – the Dimensions of Paradise, if you would. The ones which have given – i.e., 216, 144, 153, 666 are all within these 30 sets of numbers – congratulations!
I anxiously await your additional discoveries -
Alex November 4, 2011 at 10:05 am
Cleber, Thank you for your comment.
You brought up very important information.
Here is more:
The Great Pyramid has embedded in its design an ancient approximation of “pi” as 22 ÷ 7 = 3.142857
142857 is a cyclic number
142857 = 9 x 13 x 33 x 37 = 11 x 13 x 27 x 37
142857 is the six repeating digits of 1/7, 0.142857, and is the best-known cyclic number in base 10. If it is multiplied by 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, the answer will be a cyclic permutation of itself, and will correspond to the repeating digits of 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, or 6/7, respectively.
1 × 142,857 = 142,857
2 × 142,857 = 285,714
3 × 142,857 = 428,571
4 × 142,857 = 571,428
5 × 142,857 = 714,285
6 × 142,857 = 857,142
7 × 142,857 = 999,999
Multiplying by a multiple of 7 will result in 999999 through this process
142857 × 74 = 342999657
342 + 999657 = 999999
If you square the last three digits and subtract the square of the first three digits, you also get back a cyclic permutation of the number.
8572 = 734449
1422 = 20164
734449 ? 20164 = 714285
It is the repeating part in the decimal expansion of the rational number 1/7 = 0.142857. Thus, multiples of 1/7 are simply repeated copies of the corresponding multiples of 142857:
1 ÷ 7 = 0.142857
2 ÷ 7 = 0.285714
3 ÷ 7 = 0.428571
4 ÷ 7 = 0.571428
5 ÷ 7 = 0.714285
6 ÷ 7 = 0.857142
7 ÷ 7 = 0.999999
8 ÷ 7 = 1.142857
9 ÷ 7 = 1.285714
Few more observations:
142857 gives 1+4+2+8+5+7=27 (2+7=9)
also 14+28+57=99 (9+9=18)
- – -
Cleber VILELA November 3, 2011 at 7:22 pm
I’m from Brazil, so sorry for my little english. I am loving read the world mysteries here and i am very interested in many subjects posted here. I did some observations on these numbers and all are fabulous. If you see the result dividing 144/666=0.216216… or 144/666=_216_ dizim periodic if we put in inverse order we will the same resulte because 144/216=0.666666…. or 144/216=_666_ equal a _6_ periodic dizim or 144/216=2/3 and so 2×3=6. Other thing 216=(2^3)x(3^3)=6x6x6 the plus of exponents equal 6 and 144=(2^4)x(3^2). 10/666 + 100/666 + 1000/666 = 1.666…=1._666_ or 1 + _666_. Other thing sin666°= -sin66° [grd] and in normal degrees we have sin(pi/4)=153/216 and tan(pi/10)=216/666 and (144+273)/666=0.626126126126 this is 216 in inverse order. For today it is all… i will think more about this. Thanks Cleber Vilela.
amnoyed November 2, 2011 at 2:01 pm
Wow, I finally understand the ‘we’ in your opening blog. Next thing you know you will claim the idea for a fat old guy who walks around in a red and white suite declaring hohoho merry Chrismas…. Came to you spontaneously as well. Really Alex, REALLY…………… sad!
Doug Krieger November 1, 2011 at 2:10 pm
Charles – Thanks for the tip – it is exciting to discover others along the path. I am aware – from past research and present intensification thereof – that these “outside the box” discoveries are rapidly finding their way into the mainstream with, as always, the skeptic’s smear and snare – but given (from my limited view) the proliferation of these numeric phenomena, I dare say some may give additional consideration…and if they probe deeply enough, they may turn their heads about and go beyond the point of “that’s interesting.”
For example – in “The Dimensions of Paradise” piece we have this most “interesting” measurement in “time and space” taken from the Skane piece:
” . . . there are 5280 feet in a modern day mile, and 86,400 seconds in 24 hours…Interestingly 86,400 = 16.3636 x 5280, in addition to 16.3636 x 22 = 360 (this we term as degrees in a circle), the underlined number 36 within the 16.36363636… is a cyclic (repeating) number.
As I viewed this “illumination” I noticed an “amazing discovery” –
86,400 seconds in a 24 hour time frame – just by “accident” that it is the standard measurement in MILES (that archaic tool of metrology from the stogie Elizabethan era which persists to this very day in Babylon the Great, aka America) of the Sun’s Diameter – shown as a “fractal” thereof – the Sun’s diameter being 864,000 miles.
Likewise, I observed, that the 8 + 6 + 4 = “18″ – which I have assiduously categorized as one of the PRIME numbers of the New Jerusalem (NJ) – some of the others being “12″ – “15″ – “144″ and, of course, the Sacred Cubit of 25.20″ – there are, naturally reoccurring, PRIORITY numbers associated as well (I will publish, perhaps in this blog what I consider them to be…ah, “world mysteries” continues her pursuits).
The diameter of our Sun, therefore, reflects the dimensions of the NJ. How? Well, though 16.3636 may relate to someone adroit at mathematics, it does not suffice the novice. One of my chief objectives is to simplify the understanding of these already complex mathematical configurations – without sacrificing their purity – hopefully, the Designer meant it to be as such and that the KJV and early proponents of this masterful metrology meant so as well, I believe they did.
So – let’s do the MATH in all its simplified fashion (being a former math teacher, I can get away with this…):
864,000 miles x 5280′ (in a mile) = 4,561,920,000 Linear Feet = “27″ as in 4 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 2 = 27 – remembering that NUMBER abides “pure” and not “static” – it is “active” and can be integrated and “appropriately manipulated” – the “27″ I find to be a real clue to “integration” – if we “cube” the Sun she will have 12 edges – each edge will equal the measurement of her diameter; thus, x12 = 54,743,040,000 Linear Feet in the “Cubed Sun.” This will also give us “27″ but when we divide this 54,743,040,000 by 5,280′ we discover she perfectly reflects the dimensions of the NJ – for in miles the cubed Sun = 10,368,000 Linear Miles or “18″ – the PRIME Number of the NJ.
Now – let’s find out her square acreage:
Taking the Sun’s diameter, again, as 864,000 we will multiply one of her six sides as a cube by 864,000 miles = let’s eliminate “0″ for clarity purposes – then we have 864 x 864 = 746,496 or “36″ (add the numbers) – this is 3 x 6 = “18″ (so we’re on to something here insofar as a given side in miles concerns) and then take the 746,496 and multiply it by 6 (6 sides of any cube) = 4,478,976 or “45″ (which is “9″ and another number of PRIORITY of the NJ) – but getting back to acres here:
864 x 528 = 456,192 (one edge of the Sun as a cube) x 456,192 (feet here) = 208,111,140,864 (with a lot of zeroes missing) in sq. feet ./. 43,560 (or 4356) = 47,775,744 acres or “45″. Now, taking these 47,775,744 acres x 6 sides of any cube (since we’ve cubed the Sun) = 286,654,464 or “45″ again. O.K. – one side = “45″ and all six sides = “45″ – and, of course “45″ = “9″ and then all six sides = “9″ – therefore, our next step is to take 9 and 9 and add them together to equal, of course: “18″ the PRIME Number of the New Jerusalem; THEREFORE, the NJ is “reflected” in the measurements of the SUN or the Sun’s metrology is reflected in the NJ – and, of course, the Earth’s Diameter is 7920 miles or “18″ and the story repeats itself but this time the Earth, the Sun and the NJ are altogether compatible in their metrology!
Now, as both you and I know, this is pure chance and simply a cleverly devised rendition of numerical manipulation by a bunch of persistent believers – who, are dumb in the first place because they do not embrace the evolutionary genius perpetuated by Darwin and championed by the French, exemplified in their metrics and the like, ad nausea, ad infinitum.
So – how is it that at “apogee” – furthest distance between the earth and sun – that we discover it as 95,040,000 miles or “18″? And, that this calculation can be ascertained from the measurements of the NJ herself? As in: 660′ (= 1 furlong) x 12,000 furlongs (so given in the Apocalypse) = 7,920,000′ which 7920 is a “fractal” of the earth’s diameter at 7920 miles but upon conversion to inches we discover that one edge of the NJ’s 12 edges is equal to: 7,920,000 x 12″ = 95,040,000 Linear Inches which is a “fractal” the distance between the earth and sun in miles. And, furthermore, all 12 sides of the NJ = 1,140,480,000″ or “18″ and that in miles she’s equal to the same “18″ as in 7,920,000′ / 5280 = 1,500 miles x 12 (edges) = 18,000 miles (“18″) x 5280 feet = 95,040,000′ which, of course would be the case but this “fractal” in the NJ’s measurement once again equals the distance between the earth and sun at apogee – both in inches and feet and in miles…but, again, this is simply coincidental to poor, puny man’s astronomical knowledge exemplified in evolutionary achievements!
Unraveling antiquity’s metrology is marvelous in that the Great Pyramid of Giza reflects in detail the measurements of the NJ and confirms their “alliance” – a mathematical one at that – for, 756′ (at her base at one side) = “18″ and 756′ x 12″ = 9072″ (“18″) and 9072″ x 12 (edges if the GPG could be cubed) = 108,864″ (“27″) ./. 12″ (to arrive at 12 edges of the “cubed GPG” in feet) = (of course) 9,072′ or “18″ – thus is the metrology as ratios exemplified in the NJ, the Earth, the Sun and the GPG…and, of course, it’s all happenstance – its just that the entire Solar System reflects the New Jerusalem and, as it turns out, the Catholic Church may have been right (NJ-speaking) that the Earth appears to be the center of things – for the diameter and distances of our solar system appear to be “earthcentric” for a reason – a reason that I shall soon disclose big time – but, then again, you probably have already discovered these mysteries…
Cheers – Doug
Hello Doug,
If you read my blog ’2012 and the pyramids of giza’, quickly found to the right… you will discover these truths are being revealed to many. Though my revelation began in early in 2008 and reached a climax is 2010… Which forced me to try an understand, not only why these truths are hidden… But more importantly to what end. My above response to your information was an attempt to help you see, seeing how you stated you only just discovered these truths late this year. Judging by your response to my above remarks… I may have revealed that truth prematurely. In hindsight I should have asked questions regarding just how much you understand regarding the depth of your own revelation. For not doing so I apologize. I forget sometimes everyone has there own path, and though answers are found to match, the direction one follows after the unvailing are almost never the same. All the same I would suggest to all who are interested, play with the math of the creation story it may open eyes to even more revelations.
–Charles Marcello
Doug Krieger November 1, 2011 at 1:46 am
Dear Charles – Thank you, I guess, for your comments. I’m not quite sure I follow your reasonings, however, especially relative to my supposed “evolutionary” proclivities – which, let me assure you, had absolutely no bearing on any of this presentation and/or casual exchange – since this is a blog of some merit. Insofar as the historicity of your numeric claims using sundry powers, and the like, I find it intriguing, however, it does not add much to the discussion on Sacred Metrology. Likewise, I’m a bit puzzled regarding your apparent – and I may have this wrong – deprecation of the Catholic Church. Perhaps you’re alluding to her rather less than stellar efforts to suppress Paganism’s (primarily Gnosticism, Christian so-called) efforts to manipulate Number to perpetuate their own mysteries and initiations.
Given the times in which the Early Church Fathers contended with Paganism’s intelligentsia, I do not suppose that Hyppolitus, et al, could have done otherwise – i.e., contend to the uttermost. The Church changes, no doubt (although they’d like us to believe in their steadfastness), and, indeed, their attitude toward science has as well. Unfortunately, it appears that many within Rome have embraced the evolutionary “science” as well to, apparently (my sense) appeal to a more secularized society; and, most certainly, a rather feeble attempt to correct their antagonisms toward discovery – be it scientific or theological.
Nevertheless, there are within the Catholic academic community many who have been able to integrate clear Biblical principles, with scientific discovery – compromising neither.
I haven’t been to this site in a month, to my surprise I find your blog. Most of the math here I’ve seen before… The fact that your mind opened up to these numbers without any outside influences, to me, indicates the universe/God has made up its mind the truth must now be revealed. If I were to take issue with anything mentioned above, it would be the undertone that some how evolution is true. Which tells me you are not allowing yourself to see the whole picture… Because the Bible proves beyond any reasonable doubt, the theory of evolution would at some point in the future stain mankinds mind… (Read the Book of Judges)… What is sad however is how ununique this fraud truly is. How can you prove this… By using the creation story and 3, 6, and 9.
Let me show you how.
24 to the 7th power, (the first 24 is the one that rests), equals the age of Earth. Divided by 3 equals how long ago we are told life began to ooze from the rocks… And if you multiply gods (funny yet sad) age for the earth by 3 you get the 19th centuries age for the universe, by 3.6 and you get the 20th centuries age for the universe… and then by 3.9 and you get the modern age of the universe… Yet… that’s not where this fraud ends, its where it just begins.
24 to the 6th power equals… (What age?)… Divided by three equals how long ago we are told the dinosaurs died out… Multiplied by three, six and nine… equals?
24 to the 5th to the 4th multipled by 3, 6 and 9…. With some mixture of those numbers and all will be revealed…
If it wasn’t for the fact the old testament warns about the lie of evolution… One could argue God hid the truth of our universe within the creation story to prove his greatness to an unbelieving technology advanced future… Yet the book of Judges demands that cannot be true.
So that’s means once you sit down and uncover the rest of the lies you truly are left with two options… Evolution from its conception is the largest hoax mankind has ever slaved under… Or B… An advanced human race once existed and something happened… And the survivors created a way to pass there knowledge forward to prove to some unknown civilization there once was a truly advanced society and they failed… Just like we are about to…
I’ll let you decide what you want to believe as you try to prove what I’ve said wrong… Oh, and after you discover its true… You might want to ask the Catholic Church why they did this… No they didn’t invent the theory… But if you read their book and understand there history towards science… you might understand why and towards what end.
Enjoy The Ride….
–Charles Marcello

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